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Ten for TN Poster
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Cult Movies International Film Festival - Best Screenwriting

Cult Movies International Film Festival
Best Short Screenwriting
Cult Movies International Film - Festival Best Screenwriting

Cult Movies International Film Festival
Best Short Screenwriting
Florence Film Awards - Gold Award: Short Script

Florence Film Awards
Gold Award: Short Script

Written by lifelong actor and creative writer Geoffrey Gould (that would be me...), Ten for TN is a short comedy horror script, about an adult son visiting his mother back in Tennessee, finding his childhood room is not only converted into a craft room, but is also now occupied by ten somewhat creepy dolls, that after dark may be not as inanimate as one would expect... or hope...
Eric Bartlett and I share similar tastes in humour and certainly films. We text each other what flms we've seen and recommend ones we like or warn away from those we've each found disappointing.
While he was visiting his mother in Tennessee in early 2024, he conveyed that she had begun collecting vintage dolls. They were Just Creepy Enough he tossed a towel over them. Characteristically, I couldn't help but make quips about their most likely being haunted and to watch out for his feet at night...
He quipped back until, after a few such, he openly wondered if we were organically creating another of my short film scripts.
I figured Why Not? and wrote up the story within an afternoon and sent him the link to it. He read it to his mother who also enjoyed it, as well as being relieved the story didn't get too scary.

I began submitting it to festivals, and as with my other scripts, it quickly began to win awards, first the Florence Film Awards, then the Cult Movies International Film Festival.

GLG Productions site created September 2020. site created February 29, 2008

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