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Devil's Ridge Temp Poster
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Devil's Ridge

Devil's Ridge Win Certificate, Cult International Film Festival
Win: Best Short Screenplay
Cult Movies International
Film Festival

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Devil's Ridge Win Laurels, Cult International Film Festival
Win: Best Short Screenplay
Cult Movies International
Film Festival

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Devil's Ridge Win Certificate
Win: Best Plot
Horror Bowl Movie Awards

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Devil's Ridge Win Announcement
Win: Best Short Script >30 pages
International Short Film Awards

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Devil's Ridge Win Laurels
Win: Best Short Script >30 pages
International Short Film Awards

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Devil's Ridge Win Certificate
Win Certificate:
Best Short Script >30 pages
International Short Film Awards

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Devil's Ridge Best Short Script
win: Best Short Script
Red Dragon Creative Awards

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Devil's Ridge Best Short Script
win: Best Short Script
Red Dragon Creative Awards

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Devil's Ridge Finalist
Best Script
Best Script Award

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Devil's Ridge Official Selection
Official Selection:
Wallachia International
Film Festival

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Devil's Ridge Win
Best Mystery screenplay
Thing in the Basement
Horror Festival

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Devil's Ridge Win
Best Original Screenplay
Hollywood Blood Horror Festival

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Devil's Ridge Win
Best Original Screenplay
Hollywood Blood Horror Festival

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Devil's Ridge Win
Best Original Screenplay
Hollywood Blood Horror Festival

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Devil's Ridge Win Certificate, Independent Shorts Awards
Best Short Script:
Honourable Mention
Independent Shorts Awards;

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Written by lifelong actor and creative writer Geoffrey Gould (that would be me...), Devil's Ridge is an award winning dark-comedy short film script with horror overtones.
Its premise is based on some various theological questions I've pondered throughout my life, with my own wit and dark-humoured spin on same.
A positive review on the script and storyline at PixelsGarage had a few interesting takes on the script's concepts.
Should it get funded, the talent attached to the project include (but not limited to), Georgie Leahy as Mary, William Joseph Hill as Luke, and Damien Gerard as Father.
As an actor, I'd worked with all three talented performers in the past; William with a USC silent comedy student film Greenwald's Amazing Garden Tonic, and the two are both members of the Hollywood based film collective We Make Movies, where the script was workshopped via public table-reading.
Now I enjoy boundry-pushing, and seeing if there's A Line that can be crossed. Generally my scripts are harmless, but can give the impression of creating discourse through discomfort. Some of the arguments risen in this script I wondered if such would Cross That Line.
As authors can suggest specific actors to read roles for the table-read, I suggested an actor I knew would be excellent, despite the role being written for Georgie Leahy. To my surprised, my friend called me, and while she was impressed with the script, she politely declined as many of the challenges in the script went against her personal religious beliefs.
Ironically, such was the whole point of the script. While I didn't have the table-read actress I wanted, her reasoning was perfect, clarifying the unsettling nature of a script all but having a nearly-playful debate.
I had worked with the talented Georgie Leahy and Damian Gerard in the live immersive theater horror show The Tension Experience, directed and co-written by SAW 2, 3, 4, St. Agatha, and Spiral: From the Book of Saw director Darren Lynn Bousemen (Darren called and as a favour [with the promise of eventually casting me in a contract role in some future film project], had me play the Doctor in St. Agatha).
Both Georgie and Damian are from England, so offering them the roles of Mary and Father worked perfectly. Both actors love the script and look forward to shooting it when they can.
At the start of October 2020 the Hollywood Blood Horror Festival notified me that Devil's Ridge was officially a Finalist in their September script competition. A couple of days later, word was received it was one of the three Winners for Best Original Screenplay.

21 November 2023
I'd submitted Devil's Ridge to the Death Skull International Film Festival, along with Private Number, Shower Shadow, and Sarah.
Private Number won for
Best Short Script/Screenplay outright, Devil's Ridge received the festival's Special Mention award, Sarah won for Outstanding Achievement, Shower Shadow won their Special Jury Award.

More to come as events develop.

More to come as events develop.

GLG Productions aspect created September 2020. site created February 29, 2008

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