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Pact Temp Poster
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Originally written in 2011 by lifelong actor and creative writer Geoffrey Gould (that would be me...), Pact is a short dark comedy about a young man making a pact with the devil. Considering my award-winning as yet unproduced short script Devil's Ridge freaked out a reader friend of mine before it was even table-read, I wrote Pact with a bit more comedy.
As an in-joke, this script literally also obliquely references Devil's Ridge, almost as though this story was a follow-up thereto, though the reference actually indicates that towards the end of Pact the events are taking place near the same time as Devil's Ridge.
In early August 2023 the script was submitted to be table-read for We Make Movies to obtain feedback before submitting it to film festival script competition aspects.

23 August 2023
To my surprise Victoria Ippolito notified me that Pact was to be read at the Live Mix-Tape Event. I prefer my scripts to be read live; with the CCP virus reducing the weekly live meetings to weekly Zoom meetings, we had begun returning to live meet-ups, but only once per month, and I continually feel that table-read over Zoom lacks the dynamic of hearing it done live.
The reading cast consisted of Christina DiTillio as the narrator, William Joseph Hill as the Petitioner, Robert DiTillio as the Dark Lord, Allyson Sereboff as Marina, with Chanda Daya and Dawn Grabowski as the two other demons, Pamela Hill and Victoria Ippolito reading the Petitioner's conquests, and Michael Beardsley as the Dark Lord's executive assistant.

Introducing ''Pact'' for its table-read
Introducing the script
William Joseph Hill and Robert DiTillio read the leads for my ''Pact'' script table-read
William Joseph Hill and Robert DiTillio
as the leads, Petitioner and the Dark Lord
Table-rad of ''Pact'' script
The table-read
Industry guests that night, Nestor Carbonell and Shannon Kenny, give me positive notes on my ''Pact'' script
Nestor Carbonell and Shannon Kenny
give me positive notes on my script

I noticed later than on the screen behind me they provided my new Instagram handle (after I was locked out of my hacked realbadger account), not my Twitter, at which I'm still "just" realbadger.

28 September 2023
While I was notified that Pact, as well as my unproduced First Time short script, were both Official Sections with the Romanian Wallachia International Film Festival, somehow their both winning somehow got past me.

Wallachia International Film Festival Screenplay Gold Award

Win: Short Screenplay Gold Award
Wallachia International
Film Festival, Romania

06 October 2023
I received notification that Pact had won Best Original Screenplay with the Hollywood Blood Horror Festival.

Hollywood Blood Horror Festival Official Selection
Hollywood Blood Horror Festival
Official Selection
Hollywood Blood Horror Festival Official Selection
Hollywood Blood Horror Festival
Win announcement:
Best Original Screenplay
Hollywood Blood Horror Festival Win Laurels
Win laurels:
Best Original Screenplay

More to come as events develop.

GLG Productions aspect created September 2020. site created February 29, 2008

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