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Couch Crasher Temp Poster
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Couch Crasher

Couch Crasher Official Selection
win: Best Micro-Script
Red Dragon Creative Awards

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Couch Crasher Official Selection
win: Best Micro-Script
Red Dragon Creative Awards

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Couch Crasher Win
Indo French International Film Festival
win: Best Short Script/Screenplay

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Couch Crasher Win
Indo French International Film Festival
win: Best Short Script/Screenplay

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Couch Crasher Win
Indo French International Film Festival

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Couch Crasher Win
Global Monthly Online
Film Competition win:
Best Short Script/Screenplay
Jury Choice

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Couch Crasher Win
Global Monthly Online
Film Competition win:
Best Short Script/Screenplay
Jury Choice

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Written in late 2020 by lifelong actor and creative writer Geoffrey Gould (that would be me...), Couch Crasher is an award winning dark-comedy short-film script with a horror twist.
Its premise is a bestie covering for her friend, but her bluff gets called... but is it actually a bluff?
The script is what is referred to as a Micro-Short, literally being only two pages of script. As most of the scene is a telephone call, the screenplay literally can be filmed in a single day, at a single location, merely utilizing different rooms. It is written for each room to be filmed in a single continuous shot, so two or three takes each should easily snag each aspect, later intercut/edited to show each party on the phone.
On 27 December 2020 word was received from the Indo French International Film Festival that it had won their Jury Choice for Best Short Script/Screenplay.

It was submitted to be workshopped a We Make Movies, and it was publically table-read online Wednesday 10 March evening via Zoom.
It was read by Kelly Mullis, Eric Michael Kochmer, and narrated by Torie Tyson. As always, these cold readings are not rehearsed or directed. The actors work with the script they have, and they put their own spin on the roles. Fortunately, I wrote the characters with these specific actors in mind, and the script was very well received by those in attendance.

More to come as events develop.

GLG Productions aspect created September 2020. site created February 29, 2008

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