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Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific
Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific

Saturday 21 October 2017: rebroadcast of 21 October 2017
Marla Brooks
Tonight we had longtime friend of our show, author and paranormal investigator Marla Brooks of Stirring the Cauldron.
While her oils line has somewhat been shelved due to "distributor issues," upcoming she has a Crystals Starter Kit for the Wheel of the Year.
We discussed origins of Samhain/Halloween.
I mentioned the new series Haunted USA: Salem one of its earliest episodes being on haunted Salem.
Ceiling Cat Barbara Duncan indicated our having listeners tonight in the US, Germany, Canada, England, abnd Unknown,
Marla provided Henry an audio file of origins of the Jack O'Lantern, read by Steve Shockley.
Knowing our mutual interest, at the tail end of the show I couldn't resist asking about her thoughts on Jodie Whittaker as the new Doctor Who...

31 October 2020 edition podcast

31 October 2020 video edition on YouTube

Ghosts of Hollywood:
The Show Still Goes on

Marla Brooks

Ghosts of Hollywood II:
Talking to Spirits

Marla Brooks

Ghosts of Hollywood III
Marla Brooks

Workplace Spells:
Everyday Magick
on the Job

Marla Brooks

Animal Spells
and Magick

Marla Brooks

Witch's Oracle
Marla Brooks

A Bad Case of
the Collywobbles

Marla Brooks

Eat Like the Stars
Cookbook: Celebrities
Favorite Recipes

Marla Brooks

The Celebrity Cookbook:
Kitchen Secrets of
the Rich and Famous

Marla Brooks

How To Cook
Like a Jewish

Marla Brooks

The American Family
on Television:
A Chronology of
122 Shows, 1948-2004

Marla Brooks
The Paranormal View hosts
31 October 2020 The Paranormal View.

Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific
The Paranormal View

Haunted Hoosier Halls:
Indiana University
by former show host
Kat Klockow

Ohio's Haunted Crimes:
An Exploration of Ten
Haunted Crime Scenes
by former show host
Kat Klockow
Para-X Radio Network Radio: all paranormal, all the time
Para-X Radio: all paranormal, all the time

From Hollywood:
to Gettysburg
by former show host
Craig Rupp

Love from Beyond
by former show host
Craig Rupp
Paranormal View products
Paranormal View products

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