On Avail, et al

I ended up not getting the AFI short; completely forgot to ask if David Schroeder got it (though I guess I could just ask Dave [g]…)
I did acquire another USC student film gig to do on Saturday.
I had a commercial callback audition on Friday, then Saturday morning my agent notified me I was On Avail for the shoot-dates, today/Tuesday through Friday of this week. I’m not officially booked yet, but it falls into the 50-50 category.
Yesterday I checked my messages every two hours or so, but heard nothing, which I figured could mean I could hear later by the time I got home. At home in my email my agent told me my On Avail status had been extended through Saturday the 8th, as well as the production company clarifying I’m Still Available. Not a bad sign: still On Avail.
Then last night I get a call from my agent, indicating that the production company now has conveyed that [those booked] would have a same-day wardrobe fitting. Knowing at work I have no cell signal, and it would not only be a distraction for me but unfair for those for whom I work, I have taken off the day, essentially to see if The Big Call comes in later today…
So please please please Think Good Thoughts: cross fingers, light green candles and pray for my Being Booked, whatever you wish t’do; it’ll be appreciated.

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