Saturday 05 June 2021 edition
Mack Maloney and Juan-Juan
Tonight we welcomed multiple-book author
Mack Maloney
(whose name
mispronounced through his bio-intro),
and his online radio show's technical advisor
started out, asking about Mack's book
Haunted Universe.
Mack gave the backstory of the book, being a compilation of Strange Stories and experiences, even though many of the stories written by Juan-Juan, who apparently has never read the book.
Ceiling Cat Barbara Duncan
clarified it's an easy book to pick up and start reading anywhere within the book.
"Tabby" Cat Snider Gasch
asked about how he got the various states' stories.
Juan-Juan clarified that they're somewhat Healthy Skeptics; they sometimes have fringe guests, but they're never disrespected.
Mack was asked about the experience/s that got him interested in the paranormal.
In his youth he said he saw what he thought was a UFO, considering its multiple coloured lights, but it turned out to be a medi-vac helicopter.
Had it been a farther away, he would have believed it was a UFO.
Mack pointed out wondering if ETs are benificent or invaders.
Juan-Juan reminded in Mack's book
UFOs in Wartime
ETs appeared to be on "our side."
Mack spoke of the 1513
Admiral's Map
which shows an "impossible Piri Reis Map, of Antarctica, without and/or before ice.
We discussed USOs
(Unidentified Submerged Objects),
off Catalina Island.
Sherri in the live
chat room
asked about if there was a Prime Directive forbidden ETs from interfering.
Mack and Juan-Juan both certainly hope so.
Both men consider
Skinwalker Ranch
being "a lot of bunk"...
They spoke of idiot-ideas the military had; even Carl Sagam made the ironically lunatic suggestion of nuking the moon.
Thankfully wiser heads prevailed and they realized it'd be more practical to Go To The Moon, hence the start of the Apollo program.
Henry had them speak about secret bases mentioned in his
Beyond Area 51: The Mysteries of the Planet's Most Forbidden, Top Secret Destinations...
book; Henry said many of which he had never heard, missing the point of their being "secret"...
Mack spoke of the Knight's Templars and
Rosslyn Chapel.
After the break,
Ceiling Cat Barbara Duncan
reported our having listeners tonight from the US, the UK, Canada, Spain, Belgium, Australia, and Norway.
Mack jibed at how Juan-Juan being a fan of
Downton Abbey.
It turns out their actual radio station is actually haunted.
Mark spoke about being a background performer for the John Travolta film,
A Civil Action,
shot in Woburn. Massachusettes.
Mack spoke about meeting an Asian woman at a bar, who they brought on their show, and with a CIA agent as a guest, and on air the two "went at it," arguing.
Mack and Juan-Juan's CIA friend asked whether she'd asked them certain questions, which she had, implying she could be a spy.
The two were extremely entertaining and funny throughout.
Henry had Tabby convey that
next week
our guest would be
Jonathon and Andy Goldman.
discussing healing vibrations and frequencies.