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Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific
Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific

Saturday May 09, 2020
Thomas Wertman
Tonight we had back one of our favourites, UFOlogist Thomas Wertman of MUFON. Ceiling light reflection creating UFO illusion
We started out discussing that since the CCP Virus outbreak and lockdowns, Thomas has barely seen any con trails. We also spoke about how the sky has been clearing up enough some people may be seeing satellites, which segued to Elon Musks' space flights, preparing to create world-wide telecommunication
Thomas recommended that one can go to Heavens Above to see what satellites currently are visible above.
Ceiling Cat Barbara Duncan mentioned the bioluminescent algae down in Los Angeles and Orange Country, which could misidentify the concept of underwater UFOs.
Thomas spoke of a witness who caught weird lights via a forest trail-cam. The witness was helpful enough to take photos from the same frame of reference during the day. Thomas was able to discern the lights' location, being more in front of the trees than behind... Through examining the photo it was more likely a deer very close to the camera had caused a lens flare.
Henry asked about the apparently "multitude" of MUFON directors. CC jokingly wanred Thomas Henry was "checking out other MUFON directors..."
Thomas spoke about speaking with a witness regarding inadvertantly walking in on an alien body autopsy at Wright-Paterson Airforce Base back in the 1980s.
After the break, CC reported our having listeners in the US, England, Singapore, Canada, and Unknown.
Thomas assured CC that Actual Crazy Types reporting UFO sightings are few and far between.
"Tabby" Cat Gasch: in the chat room asked about cameras on airforce planes.
CC brought up, and we discussed Skinwalker Ranch, formerly owned by millionaire Bob Bigalow of Bigalow Airospace, UFO reports for a time going straight to his research department. We discussed the recent TV series Curse of Skinwalker Ranch...
Henry asked about Trump's Space Force. Thomas conveyed they'd graduated their first class of 86 astronauts; it's more about protecting satellite.
Tsbby asked about Thomas's opinion of the Project Blue Book TV series. He discussed the distinction between the real life J. Allen Hynek and the TV series version.
CC spoke about the SpaceX project.
Before we wrapped, we discussed robotics; Thomas is designing standard robots. CC also asked about Thomas's online UFOdyssey show.

09 May 2020 edition podcast
The Paranormal View hosts
09 May 2020 The Paranormal View

--> Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific
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