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Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific
Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific

Saturday May 13, 2017
Mike Stevenson
Our guest tonight was Mike Stevenson (preferring Mike to his actual given name: Herman), founder of The Paranormal Man Organization.
Henry spent the night before at the Preble County Historical Society Museum, there having caught a couple of EVPs. As he said it'd seemed like a Dead Calm initially, Ceiling Cat Barbara Duncan asked about sites at which one consistently gets activity and/or data. Mike spoke about the Ramblewood House also know as the Worthington House in Maryland, where he always gets data, usually post 3am.
Mike discussed how incorporeal bodies, being energy, utilize a magnetic-field of energy flux with which EVPs are created. I asked about actual auditory experiences, my referencing a ghost speaking into my ear at a previous girlfriend's house, and my having had a ghost dog barking in my face aboard the Queen Mary. A question from the live chat room asked about doors being slammed and such.
We discussed how some EVPs and direct auditory communication are very much directed to specific people. He briefly touched on an out of body, near-death experience he'd had.
CC reported tonight our having listeners in the US, the UK, Ireland, Australia, Manilla, Singapore, and Unknown.
Mike spoke of testing memory of spirits, so he believes they may indeed retain their earthly memories. We also spoke at length about relative time and how the spirit world doesn't "use" it the same way we do.
To win a ticket to the 21-23 July 2017 Mid-South Paranormal Convention, Henry asked the question (the answer to which to be sent our email): In what city is the Mid-South event being held?
(No responses.)
CC asked whether Mike about the Kinect system; he has it, but still setting it up. I pointed out there are numerous videos of people using it.
Also touched on was whether night investigating should have lights on or having lights off.
Henry stated that next week our guest will be Edy Nathan.

13 May 2017 edition podcast

The Worthingtons
White House:
On the
Ramblewood estates

Mike Stevenson

The Worthington
A page by page

(The Worthington
White House)
(Volume 2)
Mike Stevenson

13 Short but
True Ghost Stories

Mike Stevenson
Mike Stevenson
13 May 2017 The Paranormal View.

Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific
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