Saturday April 18, 2015
Colonel Dean Smittle
Tonight our guest was UFO researcher and author
Colonel Dean Smittle
(retired), author of
Thumbs Up America, Americans At War 2010 - 2011 A Brief History: The Rise of the Machines
Thumbs Up America, Americans At War.
The colonel started out speaking of a UFO that playing about with launch codes over a military base, as well as an encounter between a military plane being caught in a UFO's tractor beam and later being ordered that They Didn't See Anything...
He also posited some of our rader may hamper UFOs' flight systems.
He spoke of
Jesse Martel
examining the
Roswell crashed UFO,
and its technology.
He spoke about the famous
Betty Hill star map
on which
Zeta Reticul I and II
were shown, from a perspective different than our part of the galaxy.
He spoke about Eisenhower meeting with alien/s at
Area 51,
Bob Lazar
reverse engineering alien technology.
Also discussed was the possibility of the visitors being extra-dimensional.
provided a listener's
emailed question
regarding UFO reports over Lake Eerie, and Canada.
The colonel pointed out UFOs have been sighted over fault lines and fissures.
He mentioned the famous "face" on the Martian landscape being a light-trick, but that the pyramids there are laid out along the lines of those in Giza.
I took the opp to make the obligatory Doctor Who reference, what with the classic
Pyramids of Mars
told the colonel about our
having had as a guest,
former Canadian Minister of Defense, the Honourable
Paul Hellyer.
He brought up the famous 1957
Antonio Villas Boas
abduction encounter in which the young man essentially was raped by a female alien.
the chat room
question, the colonel concurred the probability we double as lab rats far the aliens, like their science projects.
Ceiling Cat [CC] Barbara Duncan
brought us back from the second break, relating our having listeners tonight in the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, Greece, and Brazil.
She asked whether the
Black Eyed Kids
phenomenon may be aliens themselves; the colonel suspects it's possible.
We also discussed the
Men In Black
phenomenon, as well as wormholes through which some alien ships may utilize to skip over the enourmous distance between star systems.
Henry asked about UFOs shooting at battleships in Vietnam.
The colonel worked with Delta Forces in the
Me Cong Delta,
and UFOs were sighted there.
the chat room,
Kat asked after cow mutilations, which was discussed.
The Colonel gave out his book information
Thumbs Up America, Americans At War 2010 - 2011 A Brief History: The Rise of the Machines
and its follow-up
Thumbs Up America, Americans At War.
I gave out the
Paranormal View hub page
on my website, indicating people from there can find the show's respective report pages,
that we're very
findable on Facebook,
the official
Paranormal View page
Kat gave out
the show's
presence on Twitter,
her own Twitter,
Kat Klockow author website,
Jinxed comic,
and the show now being
available on iTunes.
Henry conveyed that next week the show would be
broadcast live from
Mr. G's Ice Cream
in Gettysburg,
and we wrapped out.