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Geoffrey Gould
Official co-host for
Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific
Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific

Saturday 20 August 2011
Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of Defense
Henry had previously requested, I read our guest's introduction:

Paul Hellyer was Canada's youngest Member of Parliament when he was first elected in 1949 and the youngest cabinet minister appointed to Louis S. St. Laurent's government eight years later. Although Hellyer is best known for the unification of the Canadian Armed Forces and for his 1968 chairmanship of the Task Force on Housing and Urban Development, he has maintained a life-long interest in macroeconomics. This led him to form Action Canada, a populist movement dedicated to the concepts of full employment and low inflation with an emphasis on quality-of-life issues. Through the years, as a journalist and political commentator, he has continued to fight for economic reforms and has written several books on the subject, including but not limited to Light at the End of the Tunnel: A Survival Plan for the Human Species.
In recent years he has become interested in the extraterrestrial presence and their superior technology that we have been emulating (and most likely reverse-engineering [I couldn't help adding]...). In September 2005 he became the first person of cabinet rank in the G8 group of countries to state unequivocally, "UFO's are as real as the airplanes flying overhead."

We started out with his having also gone on very public record, accurately reporting that and how global financial system being a total fraud, a copy of his original press release having been emailed to Henry who forwarded the text to Craig and to me. The man has done his homework, information much of which I've known in the late 1980s.
He also recommended Victory for the World website, on which such information is available.
In one his books (neglecting to name it), he calculated what one's debt would be that would be so high it becomes impossible to "repay." He spoke about how banks "lend" money to people, asking for collateral until it's the sort of collateral They Want.
From the chat room came a question about something called CODEX, a foreign exchange system, which Paul figured might be too expansive a topic into which to get tonight (as well as understandably not wanting to convey any inaccurate information).
Coming back from the first break, Henry reported our currently having listeners in the US, Ireland, UK, Canada, Finland, and the ubiquitous "Other"....
Paul said that countries should start relying on themselves regarding printing money, as he stressed in his books Light at the End of the Tunnel: A Survival Plan for the Human Species and A Miracle in Waiting. He also concurred with me that The Creature from Jekyll Island is Highly Recommended Reading...
Neary at the one hour mark, Henry asked about his having read the William J. Birnes book The Day After Roswell. Paul indicated earlier than that, he had a friend trying to entice his interest in the subject. He finally read it, and mentioned it to a friend who called the general regarding its contents and learned it was 100% true. Paul also spoke to the general who confirmed it for him as well.
Henry asked if Paul knew of Bob Lazar, of whom Paul has no reason to disbelieve what he's placed online about Area 51. Henry mistakenly referred to "Area 52" (as though they were street addresses), so I couldn't resist jokingly referring to that when I took us to break about eleven minutes past the first hour.
Paul did point out that while Light at the End of the Tunnel: A Survival Plan for the Human Species is mostly about cover ups and conspiracies, and it's not merely about the alien presense, it does report that We Are Not Alone in the Universe. He did met with abductees Travis Walton and hearing his story. Also Jim Sparks, whose memory of his encounter was far more detailed, and the concerns the aliens have at how our planet is being run; [politicians] running the planet into the ground, and their advice, particularly about Disclosure and amnesty to those who've been staging the multi-decade cover-ups, and committing UnConstitutional crimes.
He spoke about retired air man Charles James Hall, who'd worked in Nevada and meteorologist, who met an alien race called the Tall Whites, even saving one of the daughters of a Tall White, recounted in one of his four Millennial Hospitality series of books (see links below).
Apparently a General Nathan declared an order that aliens were enemies. Paul accurately pointed out in any military encounter, "we" always shot first.
He spoke of there being about twelve difference alien species. Off the top of my head I could only think of Greys, Nordics and Reptilians. I asked if Paul knew or was aware of David Icke. Paul knew of him, but not as much knowing David's theories and pronouncements.
For Jordan in the chat room, I asked after sightings and crashes in Canada. Paul indicated a crash in Manitoba to which the Dept of Transport went to investigate and met with armed US soldiers pointing guns at them. They were forced to stand down and let the US criminals steal it.
As he was curious as to which Presidents have know about the alien presence, I asked after the Paradigm Research Group regarding World Disclosure Day project, of which Paul approves and mostly to which he lends his name.
We agreed what a travesty was the film "adaptation" of Travis Walton's abduction story Fire in the Sky: The Travis Walton Experience. He was just a well spoken guest that providing So Much information realized I had my work cut out for me, obtaining and acquiring respective links to referents he made, such as references to Paola Harris and Edgar Mitchel, each of whom he felt might make for excellent Parnormal View guests.
As the show was winding down after two of the speediest hours the show has had, Paul provided out his own website (as it was, earlier in the show I did point out to him I'd sent him an Add Request on Facebook...).
Henry closed out the show, reporting that the next week we would have psychic reader Candy O'Donnell.

20 August 2011 edition podcast.

Paul Hellyer
Paul Hellyer

Light at the
End of the Tunnel:
A Survival Plan for
the Human Species

by Paul Hellyer

A Miracle in Waiting
by Paul Hellyer

Funny Money
by Paul Hellyer

Jobs for All:
Capitalism on Trial

by Paul Hellyer
Paul Hellyer Reading Recommendations during the broadcast:

Millennial Hospitality
by Charles James Hall

Millennial Hospitality II:
The World We Knew

by Charles James Hall

Millennial Hospitality III:
The Road Home

by Charles James Hall

Millennial Hospitality IV:
After Hours

by Charles James Hall

How Does One Speak
To A Ball Of Light?

by Paola Leopizzi Harris
(February 12, 2007)

Connecting the Dots...:
Making Sense of
the UFO Phenomenon

by Paola Leopizzi Harris
(March 10, 2008)

All The Above

by Paola Leopizzi Harris
(April 9, 2009)

Stargate to a
New Reality:
Essays and interviews
with experts in the field of
UFOs and related phenomena
Vol. II

by Paola Leopizzi Harris
(January 31, 2011)

Web of Debt
by Ellen Hodgson Brown

The Creature from
Jekyll Island:
A Second Look at
the Federal Reserve

by G. Edward Griffin

The Day After Roswell
by William J. Birnes

The Keepers
by Jim Sparks

Fire in the Sky:
The Walton Experience

by Travis Walton

Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific
The Paranormal View

Haunted Hoosier Halls:
Indiana University
by former show host
Kat Klockow

Ohio's Haunted Crimes:
An Exploration of Ten
Haunted Crime Scenes
by former show host
Kat Klockow
Para-X Radio Network Radio: all paranormal, all the time
Para-X Radio: all paranormal, all the time

From Hollywood:
to Gettysburg
by former show host
Craig Rupp

Love from Beyond
by former show host
Craig Rupp

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