Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Germans, Annoying Gits and Simon Pegg
Simon Pegg
(or someone who happens to look and behave just like a Simon Pegg character),
has been kicked out of his roommate status from a house.
I wait along with some other of his friends, as he comes from the house.
"What about clothes?" someone asks him, as he's just on his own.
He realizes he'd just walked out, with nothing.
As he turns to return to the house, I go with him to make sure there's no trouble.
The house looks like my home from Montclair
[New Jersey],
except it's located in a wide, pretty barren piece of land.
We all but creep inside, but going through the kitchen we get what would appear to be a phone call, but it come through a white plastic 1950s type radio I'm carrying.
It's "Simon's" girlfriend who kicked him out, and and apparently she's a
Dream Character
as she and I know each other.
Simon keeps quiet, knowing the plan is to sneak into his room to retrieve clothes.
The call, but through a radio, is all but speakerphone, so Simon and I cannot openly speak to each other.
Suddenly he starts to pull a handfull of large kitchen knives from drawers to place in a small bit of luggage.
I mime all sorts of negation expressions and that he should get a move on before we're discovered.
I manage to remind him cutlerly isn't necessary, and he finally stubbornly heads upstairs as I carry the radio through which the girl is still talking.
Dream Shift
(though possibly Dream Fade):
I am getting ready for some sort of talent show or Choose The Most Handsome sort of stage thing.
A few contestants from previous years are there, one with a subtle handlebar moustache conveying his girlfriend suggested a main reason he doesn't win is due to the moustache, but he has no intention of sacrificing it.
My friend Dave Gold comes by to comment how good an idea that the hotel has a shuttle picking up people who are parking quite a ways away for free, but he wonders with amusement if they'll be shuttled back as well.
I need to check for messages, and from outside I head down some stairs into a large area that comes across as a parking garage but there are lots and lots of people milling about.
I stand near the stairs to retain my cell phone signal, when I hear a strange noise.
I glance behind me and three similar looking boys, all about my height, are standing there.
One claims they were about to stand there, to make a call.
I point out they were not there as I walked to the spot, and that I'd just be a moment, when a larger
(while not taller)
similar type shows up.
Literally they come across as four brothers very close in age.
The four all wear white or cream sweatshirts with ornate red or burgundy college-logo designs.
The spokesman for the trio tell the fourth that I "took" their spot, and the new one gets all confrontational.
I'm in no mood for this and quickly but dismissively tell them to hang on, but the three continue their hang-dog expressions as the fourth starts what I'm sure he considers "smack talk."
I start to get quite irritated and uncharacteristically make a scathing reference to his size.
He goes to retort but I've been without food for some time that my little paunch is almost completely gone.
He tries some attempt, but as I don't let words bother me... his don't either.
As it is, I'm done with my call and I head over to a set of large wooden Viking dining hall tables in front of a large stone fireplace.
I note much of the feasting "litter" has been swept towards the center, so I drop a napkin or something on that.
Nearby I see a row boat heading out with two people, one playing the sax and the other playing the trombone.
Somehow I know they are the sons of the Viking king, and that whichever plays their family song the best becomes the successor.
Suddenly I am out in the water in my own little row boat that seems to move under its own power.
I can see large fish beneath the water: dolphins and such, as two massive yellow fish breach the water and do a synchronis flip.
The water becomes land on which I'm standing, and a nearby small wooden building
(about which I somehow know)
has been demolished by some evil plans.
With villianous henchmen in pursuit, I hastily depart with a German Shepherd on a leash.
We manage to evade them, but for some reason I know we have to return to leave the dog's choke chain or such.
Despite such a dangerous choice, the dog and I head back and find the elevator to the basement.
It's a small, almost service elevator, and I figure we are safe as the German baddies are out looking for me/us.
The door reaches the basement and I have the choke collar in my left hand, but suddenly about five tall Germans in their 20s all get on board.
I am so surprised that while deciding to brazen it out, I completely neglect for the dog and I just to get off the lift.
The men do not know I am for whom they should be keep an eye out.
They figure if I'm there I belong there, so they are very friendly, but they're speaking German, and I don't, apart from a very very few words.
The man closest to me smiles and says something to me but as I smile and chuckle, he's distracted by the dog.
"Das is mein hundt," I tell him, meaning to call the dog Yarra but I end up calling it Sarra.
The man laughs, across to a companion saying something I deduce means along the lines of people naming dogs strange things.
I make a silly face and "agree" by miming with my finger putting a gun to my forehead just above my eyes and "shooting" myself.
The young men all laugh in highly amused agreement, as I calmly retain my composure.