Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Warrior princess and Geographic Shifts
Real [Waking] Life news:
Some time ago my hard drive was getting a bit full, so onto a 2gig portable drive I backed-up my MySpace files (profile segment information, all my Dream Journal blogs for this and my Primary profile, et al). I frequently backed up from it the pages I have elsewhere online, such as my pages, but I began to rely on the 2gig drive, and the other day, it decided it'd Had Enough, and computers no longer recognize it. It's little green light shines for a bit, but instead of kicking in and the drive and its (numerous irreplaceable) files normally being available, the little light goes out. Due to this, unless the portable drive is repairable, the three or so dreams I'd composed but not yet uploaded are gone.
D'oh. This is also why there are no dream entries for October.
I may be able to re-collate most of the primary-profile blog files, but that will be an arduous process, if do'able at all. Another, new, 2-gig drive has been acquired, but I will be using it merely to transport files, not on which to save them exclusively.
Lots of Dream Fade;
At one point I am riding in a car through a small forested area as though out of the mountains. While I am not operating the vehicle, I am in the left side front seat. There is a male at my right at the wheel, and a Dream Character female behind him. Ahead I see a large green wrought-iron gate, an open gate wide enough for the small vehicle, next to which is a green metal trash can. My sense of direction tells me we're headed south, even though the gate seems to be the northern gate of the town's main cemetery (hence my suddenly deducing we're in my original [New Jersey] home of Pompton Plains).
"We're taking a short cut," the woman says. "We're taking the old Jurassic Park Road."
As we pass the open gate I glance up and see a large, hand-calligraphied sign reading "Wyre Way," with a bust-profile of a dragon.
"The sign says 'Wyre Way'," I point out, as we turn left from the dirt road onto the Boulevard, and immediately left, which seems as though we're going north towards the Boulevard. I glance to my left and I am now in the right front seat, the male is driving at the left, and the woman in the backseat of the small car (Volkswagen?) resembles Gwyneth Paltrow. Neither reply to my comment, as I notice beyond the woman is the gate we're paralleling, just behind is a long, grey wooden structure of some kind, somewhat dilapidated, though so very grey, it gives the impression it was built to look that way.
Dream Shift:
I at the rear of some large auditorium, and someone is relaying to me an ancient story of two large populaces either on one large island or two small, nearly connected islands. There is a large mountain wall between the two and one tribe dislikes the other. I get the sense of seeing each area from a great distance, but the still scenes resemble the grade-school like black and white line-drawings used for the evil, narrow-minded, religiously-intolerant Chick Tracts.
Warrior members from the one tribe scale the wall to get to the other tribe to capture their leader's daughter or such. Near me is a table against a wall by the main doorway. On the table is the large figure of a doll, about twelve inches tall or so. She is dressed in ancient Asian garb, and she is within an ornate protective box, the front of which is glass. Someone gently raises the box and the figure slumps forward against the glass as it raises, her head suddenly large and misshapen. The figure rests in the hands of he who raised the box (as I am focused on the fiture, I do not see who it is). This takes place while the tale is being told, and the figure is placed into my hands. I gently rest the figure on the table, where it is able to stand on its own.
"And that," the small figure says in a melodic female voice, raising her arm. "Is how the Warrior Princess came to our land..."