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Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific

Saturday 13 March 2021
Peter Robbins
Tonight's guest was filmmaker Peter Robbins, host of Here On Earth.
Just before we went on the air, Ceiling Cat Barbara Duncan told us that so far we had listeners in the US, UK, Canada Spain, Norway, and Belgium.
Henry started out pointing out that Peter had been recommended as a guest by Thomas Wertman. Peter pointed out his lifelong interest in UFOs and UFOlogy, having had a sighting when he was a child, with his sister seeing five silvery eliptical craft in formation, coming to a halt motionless in the air.
Peter was interviewed about it on Richard Dolan's show, and currently available on Richard Dolan's YouTube channel. Richard Dolan even covered Peter's sister Helen's 1961 abduction experience.
Halfway through the first hour, Henry lost internet connection, so while CC and I could hera Peter, Henry couldn't. It is probable it kept recording, but we wouldn't know one way or the other until later.
After the break, CC updated us that tonight we had listeners in the US, UK, Canada Spain, Norway, and Unknown.
We discussed the Travis - The True Story Of Travis Walton documentary Peter associate-produced, which is available online.
We had some audio issues throughout tonight; occasionally even Peter dropped off mid-sentence.

13 March 2021 edition archived audio podcast

13 March 2021 edition on YouTube
The Paranormal View hosts
13 March 2021 The Paranormal View.

Travis - The True Story Of Travis Walton documentary trailer

Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific
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