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Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific

Saturday January 26, 2019
MUFON Night: Thomas Wertman and Bill Konkolesky
Tonight we welcomed back UFOlogist Thomas Wertman, along with fellow UFOlogist Bill Konkolesky, both of MUFON.
Bill is author of Experiencer: Raised in Two Worlds.
Henry started off with new-guest Bill, who spoke about the "jurisdictional" areas, as it were, his MUFON chapter investigates. I had him discuss his early childhood abductions, and that it turned out it's a family aspect; it follows his mother's side of the family, although two of Bill's siblings have gone ignored by the abductors.
The creatures were able to initiate an astral projection of Bill; they come across as though physicality may not even be their natural form.
Ceiling Cat Barbara Duncan asked a question from the live chat room, about whether the aliens may come across different as different people may have their own individual perspectives.
Thomas spoke of his own experiences, during his teen years dreading how they could simply show up any evening to retreive him. He spoke of their mentally commanding him/their subjects, and how at one point Thomas was able to resist the mind control.
Nyla in the chat room asked whether the aliens ever explains Why they were taking humans, but the aliens never communicated such about their intentions.
Latest Henryism: he mentioned whether people were being altered "genetically," but it came out "geonetically"...
Thomas discussed new trail cams that uses thermal imaging, as opposed to just infrared.
Ceiling Cat Barbara Duncan reported our having listeners in the Us, the UK, Germany... all over the USA.
We briefly touched on the Kecksburg UFO incident.
Henry asked about USO (unidentified submerged objects). Bill hasn't had too many reports on such; most reports were of objects going into the water as opposed to emerging therefrom. Thomas only has had a handful of reports, a few emerging from water, some all but nearly skimming above the surface of the water.
We wrapped with Bill warning us, and everyone, against the "creative license" version of the new Project Blue Book TV series.

26 January 2018 edition podcast
Thomas Wertman, Bill Konkolesky
26 January 2019 Thomas Wertman and Bill Konkolesky The Paranormal View.

Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific
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