Saturday February 10, 2018
Mike Stevenson
Our guest tonight was
Mike Stevenson
(preferring Mike to his actual given name: Herman),
founder of
The Paranormal Man Organization.
I'd actually missed the previous two shows, first with the
wrap and screening party on the 27th, then on the Saturday the 3rd shooting my principal role scenes for the indie feature
The New Hands.
had our guest Mike discuss his first experience; at eight years old he was in the midst of a fall when he was stopped in mid air and lifted back up by an unseen force.
Only his grandmother believed him, having had an experience herself years earlier.
She and female friends would gather together to play Bingo.
Gerti, one member of the group had been sickly, and occasionally had to miss the Bingo meetings,
One Saturday morning the doorbell rang, and the grandmother answered the door and it was the sickly Gertie, who came in, chatted over tea.
"Well, I have to leave," she said around noon, insisting she had to depart.
That evening at the gettogether they were setting up, Mike's grandmother spoke of Gerti's visit, at which point she was informed Gerti had been bed-ridden for months, and that two minutes before noon, she had passed away.
Based on results, Gerti had been astral projecting for several minutes before physically dying.
Mike spoke about the
Ramblewood House,
also know as the
Worthington House
in Darlington, Maryland, where he always gets data, usually post-3am.
Mike spoke about an EVP he got at
Burnside Bridge
Henrys asked Mike's favourite place to investigate, which mostly is Ramblewood.
As of this date, Mike has done 58 investigations there.
CC reported tonight our having listeners in Germany, Australia, the US, Canada, Mexico, and the UK.
CC had found photos of Ramblewood, and had Mike go into more historical detail.
Mike spoke about the underground railroad; also dealing with entities unaware they are spirits.
He also discussed various spirits' attempts at communication.
At the
he was in communication with a child spirit who clarified he would always Be when Mike returned, no matter the time as perceived by Mike.
After the second break, Mike spoke about some of his electronic inventions and gadgets used for investigations, as Skype kicked
off the call.
Mike discussed audio frequencies, and how canines and felines are able to perceive spirits both visually and auditorily.
Henry has Mike discuss his investigating the
Eisenhower Farm
Henry had Michael clarify the
Keller Method
of EVP work: asking questions that would be targeted to the person with whom you're endevouing to communicate.
chat room
spent the night before at the
Preble County Historical Society
there having caught a couple of EVPs.
As he said it'd seemed like a Dead Calm initially,
Ceiling Cat Barbara Duncan
asked about sites at which one consistently gets activity and/or data.
Mike discussed how incorporeal bodies, being energy, utilize a magnetic-field of energy flux with which EVPs are created.
asked about actual auditory experiences, my referencing a
ghost speaking into my ear
at a previous girlfriend's house, and my having had
a ghost dog barking in my face
aboard the
Queen Mary.
A question from the live
chat room
asked about doors being slammed and such.
We discussed how some EVPs and direct auditory communication are very much directed to specific people.
He briefly touched on an out of body, near-death experience he'd had.
Mike spoke of testing memory of spirits, so he believes they may indeed retain their earthly memories.
We also spoke at length about relative time and how the spirit world doesn't "use" it the same way we do.
To win a ticket to the 21-23 July 2017
Mid-South Paranormal Convention,
Henry asked the question
(the answer to which to be sent our
In what city is the
Mid-South event
being held?
(No responses.)
CC asked whether Mike about the
Kinect system;
he has it, but still setting it up.
I pointed out there are numerous
of people using it.
Also touched on was whether night investigating should have lights on or having lights off.
Henry stated that
next week
our guest will be
Edy Nathan.
Henry quickly announced that the
next week
our guest would be
Robbie Thomas.