Saturday August 22, 2015
Elaine Kuzmeskus
returning guest
was seven-time author
Elaine Kuzmeskus,
M.S., Director of the
New England School of Metaphysics.
Elaine began discussing Houdini's distain for psychics and mediums, what with her latest book
The Medium Who Baffled Houdini: Margery Crandon.
She went into great deal about spiritualism in the 1920s, and seances both then and now, as well as what phenomina took place during Margery Crandon's seances.
Unfortunately, Skype was characteristically not being cooperative, the audio hiccoughing and popping in and out here and there.
There was also enough of time lags, we had a lot of co-host comment collisions.
Ceiling Cat
Barbara Duncan
indicated our having listeners tonight in the US, the UK, Australia, Canada, Malasia, and Thailand.
Elaine gave out numerous deductions and predictions.
She did point out that one prediction hadn't come to pass: the
Community College
"idea" being "suggested" by the current administration, as though it would actually be free, or as though the administration would follow through on something that might benefit the public.
She gave out some of her autumn predictions, and that she posts predictions monthly on her
While some time remained,
suggested she Read for the hosts.
She started with
and Henry, apparently spot-on.
As she went through my reading up to a minute left in the show, Kat managed to get through and have Elaine give out her
she also gave out her
for readings.
She didn't give out
her Facebook
tonight, possibly due to the closing time.
I gave out
Paranormal View Hub Page
on my site, the show's official site being;
and that we're findable
on Facebook.,
Kat's website is;
her Graphic Novel page is at