Saturday July 11, 2015
Thomas Wertman
Tonight we had
Thomas Wertman
connection was giving me substantial issues early on, my Bio intro was severely compromised tonight;
had me disconnect to bring me back in.
was really looking forward to some of the experiences Thomas could recount.
Thomas began with a Lost Time encounter between two night fishermen in a state park, where they lost almost three full hours, after seeing several lights twice earlier.
During the investigation, Thomas went back to the location of the event with the two witnesses, having they reenacting the entire scenario.
in the live
chat room
asked whether the withnesses had been given any hypnotic regression.
Thomas had initially wanted to see how "it played out," then provided the hypnotherapist he personally trusted, having done Thomas's own regression sessions.
He went on about about more recently, north of Cincinatti, east of Dayton.
A driver came around a corner and came across a hexigon shaped craft sitting on the street.
It rose up, and followed the road.
A similar craft was sighted about twenty miles away from there the same night.
After the first break,
Ceiling Cat Barbara Duncan
pointed out how many witnesses and abductees' behaviour seems very similar to post traumatic stress syndrome.
Thomas spoke about, having HR experience, he knows how to read body language.
Thomas had also interviewed
Travis Walton
who's depositions remained consistant, but that he experienced the same upset behaviour most UFO witnesses/abductees experience.
Thomas posited wondered if fascination with the UFO topic may be a Connection with a memory supressed experience.
He and CC also wondered whether there's a genetic aspect; often abductees are in a specific bloodline, grandmother, to mother, to daughter, etc.
He spoke about his own experiences, a bit obliquely, to clarify how apprehensive one can be at previous sites at which they'd had Lost Time.
One friend, while hunting, spoke about what seemed to describe a Sasquatch.
As they became more agitated, Thomas saw a craft above the treetops.
Thomas spoke of his own regression sessions, which from the offset far more information was forthcoming than generally would be the case.
One aspect of his experience was as surprising to his abductors as to himself: as they seemed to scan him mentally, he found the mental door went both way and seemed to be able to read their mind/s.
As Hollywood had lost power for a few hours, Henry had to call me on my cellphone.
For the second break, Henry played a 1968 audio of North Dakota military pilots sighting a UFO.
After the second break, CC pointed out tonight we had listeners in the US, Canada, the Netherlands, Australia the UK, and "Unknown" had returned.
We discussed how the government disinformation policies are essentially a waste of time; Thomas indicated a few hours and a computer and a YouTube Channel he could disinform the heck out of the UFO subject.
I pointed out the awesome
Star War fan video of San Francisco with the Death Star and Star Destroyers
hanging casually in the sky, without even the camera being locked down on a tripod.
Thomas agreed that some such amatuer videos look more realistic than on the Sci-Fi Channel.
Henry wondered about stealth tech, and wondering why UFOs are visible.
I reminded that much of military weaponry as being reverse engineered UFO technology.
Kat asked after a recent MUFON conference discussing the media, orbs, etc.; Thomas spoke about
James Fox
I Know What I Saw
Out of the Blue
and trying to get answers from Jimmy Carter about his UFO experience.
He said James Fox was working on a new documentary titled
abuot the number of unsolved
Project Blue Book
From the chatroom, Psi asked about what sort of radiation saturation effects would be needed to duplicate the radiation in the soil, found at UFO landing sites,
but not being his speciality, Thomas wasn't able to field that one.
I spoke about the millionaire
Bob Bigalow
Bigalow Airospace
who seemingly "bought" MUFON for half a million dollars,
Thomas clarified that Bob's contribution was to help get
investigators to sites as soon as possible, and that eventually his funding was pulled.
After Thomas discussed a
Mike Wallace interview,
and his falling for government disinformation,
Henry revealed many people in the chat room were urging Thomas to return as a guest in the future, to which we all concurred.
CC indicated UFO sightings increasing of late; Thomas said it's more about reported sightings.
The subject is not as reviled as it used to be, and MUFON is getting more and more information.
He also conveyed how one can become a field investigator for MUFON, including but not limited to, it's voluntary/unpaid.
Thomas provided
plus info on public meetings, such as at
Cleveland Ufolofy
I gave out the official
Paranormal View page
my Paranormal View hub page
on my website, indicating people from there can find the show's respective report pages,
that we're very
findable on Facebook,
providing her website,
jinxed comic
site and
jinxed comic
Twitter profile.
Henry conveyed that the next week he would be broadcasting from
Poasttown Elementary School,
and we wrapped out.