Saturday May 17, 2014
Thomas Freese
With Kat
away at a Chicago convention, tonight we had
returning guest
author and storyteller
Thomas L. Freese;
mentioned how before the air, as this was Thomas's
third time
as a guest, Thomas felt he should get a Badge.
Thomas gave us an update on his traveling about meeting folk from whom he collected tons of stories.
We started out mentioning his latest
Eerie Encounters in Everyday Life: Angels, Aliens, Ghosts, and Haunts
book, that he records those he interviews and later transcribes their experiences, and that stories that have the most ring of truth aren't overly fantastic.
He recounted one story,
God Help Me Pick Out a Nice Mommy,
in which a St. Louis friend of his sister's related how her Down's Syndrome daughter told her
(when driving the mother pointed out the hospital at which the daughter had been born),
that at the time she Wasn't Ready to be born, at which the mother remembered at the c-section birth, the nurse noted the daughter's pout and said it was though the daughter hadn't been ready to be born.
The daughter then spoke of what happened Before She Was Born...
Thomas pointed out how there are
(less than open minded)
parents stamp out Wonder as well as psychic abilities in their offspring.
One girl managed to achieve some telekenesis, but her mother insisted such was evil.
He detailed how many people are dismissive of encountering spirits, believing it to be residual haunts and that interactive ghosts don't exist.
He spoke of a Shaman he knows who deals with spirits; the woman's late mother tried to impart a message but it was too early so she couldn't until a later time.
Many people who live in haunted house, he pointed out, get to a point it's like having a semi-annoying roommate, at which the people just yell at them
(the ghosts),
to knock off the noise, switching off lights, et al.
When Henry brought up Thomas's
Mystery of Gilbert Spencer
story, Thomas spoke of the distictions between Local Stories and that of urban legend.
This one had been orally passed from one to another from the time of war between the states.
Here there was the classic story of soldiers who would raid local farms; one group of four burned down a house, giving a son a count of fifty to try and outrun being shot.
The mother gave the son a cross and a last hug, but after the boy was shot, she went for help, but the body was not found.
Years later the father returned, and found the skeletal remains of the four soldiers, who'd clearly been brutally murdered... wearing crosses.
Ceiling Cat Barbara Duncan
brought up a story with red shoes, which Thomas came across at a Louisville psychic fair.
The woman had been "free-form dating," not very safely, and at one point her car broke down in a bad part of town.
A high-end car stopped to help, and he gave her a ride back to here destination, at which point the car vanished.
The woman decided it was angelic or divine help, and she then chose to improve her life considerably.
Another tale was an apparent angelic sighting during a storm, where the person just evaded serious injury.
In another one woman was verbally warned by the voice of her late sister not to open her door to insistant knocking.
Barbara brought us back from the first break, announcing our having listeners in
the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, and Mexico.
She also asked after Thomas's stories regarding UFOs, which Thomas felt that UFO stories are becoming the "new ghost stories,"
as well as those who've had encounters, as well as implants.
Thomas had had his own sighting, and learned of a UFO database into which he'd entered his experience, and he recounted a few UFO stories.
Missing time and such were discussed, and how there's so much strange anecdotal evidence, plus "screened memories," in which people "see" more recognizable animals rather than
such as owls, deer, large mice, etc.
CC brought up the "found footage" narrative "documentary"
The Fourth Kind,
in which people would see aliens as owls and such.
After the second break, Henry asked about the
Zeta Chronicles,
that Thomas told of example of people with whom aliens seems to have a more ongoing relationship.
Thomas and I clarified about
Zeta Reticuli,
star map
of which
Betty Hill
had seen aboard the craft during her abduction, with stars at that time not yet even discovered.
Thomas did convey his own sighting of a UFO.
Bringing the topic back to ghosts, the olofactory aspect was brought up, such as tobacco, perfume, or even
where clearly there is nothing nearby to create such.
Also brought up was how ghost sighting, as well as UFO sightings, seem to run in families.
Thomas spoke of a true
story, in which a second generation Irish family had a weeping spirit turn up when a family member had passed.
He mentioned how kids know of a "two dimensional" entity called
Stick Man.
While we had time left, Bigfoot was discussed.
Thomas spoke of an event in Anchorage, which mostly was all work, at which he asked to be brought out to the wilderness as a change of pace.
His guide spoke of a Sasquatch encounter at a cabin five miles from the road, something clearing a wide porch in three strides.
She also indicated seeing a Sasquatch at a ski resort, standing there almost awkwardly as though unsure why he was even there.
Thomas then spoke of his
Eerie Encounters
cover art,
the inside of a tower with a ghost actually caught at the side, seemingly trying to clear the shot.
Thomas currently seeks stories of people who had experienced when they were children, that he could be reached via his
at which is his
email address,
though he didn't provide his
facebook page
Henry announced that next week our guest would be
Kala Ambrose,
author of
Spirits of New Orleans
Ghosthunting North Carolina.
I gave out my
my Paranormal View hub page
on my website, indicating people from there can find the show's respective report pages,
that we're very
findable on Facebook,
the official
Paranormal View page
page, as well as providing absent Kat's
Hunt For Ghosts page,
and her all new
Kat Klockow website,
and we wrapped out.