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Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific
Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific

Saturday 08 May 2021
Morgan Knudsen
Tonight we welcomed Morgan Knudsen of the daily Spirital Healing livestream, and Paranormal 911 on the Travel Channel.
As Morgan is in Canada, prior to the show going on-air we discussed the distinctions between how Canada's draconioan style of "handing" the CCP virus as opposed to the US government, recently slowly loosening unlawful restrictions.
On air, Morgan discussed her teachins, such as managing who people are on the inside, making a direct impact on what they experience on the outside and to re-examine the world they thought they knew.
Sherri asked from the live chat room whether Morgan works with Fire Elementals. While impressed by the question, her fire work is separate.
After the break, Ceiling Cat Barbara Duncan reported our having listeners in the US, the UK, Canada, and Norway.
Henry brought up her work on Haunted Hospitals. "Tabby" Cat Snider Gasch asked about which place had Morgan go completely slack-jawed. Morgan spoke about how the latest (third) season had just begun airing, and spoke of some of the experiences, one being a pair of spouses with a relationship so toxic it literally created a malevolent Thought-Form.
She spoke of metaphysical experiments such as the Toronto Society for Psychical Research group's Phillip Experiment, and another with two groups, one being people feeling unlucky and the other group feeling lucky; money was placed mostly under a welcome mat but visible, and the members of the Feel Lucky group found it, while the Unlucky group never saw it.
We spoke about Morgan's awesome snake, Galen.
Henry had Tabby convey that next week our guest would be Lynn McKenzie.
I pointed out next time Morgan is a guest, we'll have to get into her work with Paranormal 911...

08 May 2021 edition full audio podcast

08 May 2021 edition video on YouTube
The Paranormal View hosts
08 May 2021 The Paranormal View.

Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific
The Paranormal View

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