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Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific

Saturday 03 April 2021
Thomas Wertman
Tonight we had back on one of our favourites, UFOlogist Thomas Wertman of MUFON.
Ceiling Cat Barbara Duncan started out pointing out today was Countdown Day:
April 03, 2021 = 4 3 21
Thomas spoke out discussing fact-checking as he watches alien-focusedd TV shows. He'd met up with someone with whom he'd graduated high school; she was into UFOs, and mentioned the unforgiveably badly adapted Fire in the Sky movie, and Thomas pointed out the onboard-craft scenes were all made-up, as opposed to what actually took place.
He segued into speaking at length about flight-to-submersible objects and possibly drone-type sightings in 2019, being investigated by what Thomas called a (or the) SNOOPIE team; SNOOPIE meaning "Ship Nautical Or Otherwise Photographic Interpretation and Exploitation."
Henry played an air traffic control audio Thomas had provided to him. He'd sent it to CC and to me just before the show, but for me it had too much static, and it turned out he'd sent the wrong audio file to CC. Thomas explained the audio clip.
Generally after break CC reports where are listeners, but Henry went right back to the audio. In nthe Skype chat, CC conveyed tonight our having listeners in the US, the UK, Canada, Unknown, Spain, Beligum, and a bit unsettlingly: Washington DC. As CC quipped in the Skype Chat: "We're on a List now..."
"Tabby" Cat Gasch: in the chat room asked about World War 2 Time Travel experiments, such as the Philadephia experiment and the Time Travel Bell, about which Thomas discussed.
Thmas spoke about speaking at a conference at which in a far corner were three "strange" men, who seemed to be staring into the middle distance; at one point the trio silently turned their heads simultaneously at him. Thomas was not the only person at the conference who noticed the strange men.
Patsy in the chat room asked whether thomas should return to the library venue to see if the men return. Thomas indicated there were military men to whom he mentioned the Ohio town in which he suspects aliens live.
We spoke about the highly entertaining Resident Alien comedy series in which Alan Tudyk stars.
Skype waited to the last few seconds of the show to drop me from the call...

03 April 2021 edition podcast

03 April 2021 edition on YouTube

03 April 2021 edition podcast
The Paranormal View hosts
03 April 2021 The Paranormal View

Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific
The Paranormal View

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