Saturday March 10, 2020
Marla Brooks
weekend, tonight we had longtime friend of our show, author and paranormal investigator
Marla Brooks.
ongoingly being kicked off Skype due my usual sadly lame connection,
we discussed
(the currently
Hollywood Forever Cemetery,
and Marla pointing out now
they have peacocks.
We not only got how Marla has nemesis in the cemetery
Canada Geese.
(as well as feeding not so grateful, aggresive raccoons),
but Marla also into details about the consistency of Canada Goose droppings...
The show mostly was to discuss celebrations around Beltane, as also
Walpurgis Night:
she pointed out in
a recent blog
how one can workaround with the recent
CCP Virus
During one of my Trying To Get Back Online parts, Marla discussed the symbology on the May Pole and other aspects.
Marla wondered about in our youth if we danced about the May Pole at school; I was unable to confirm that in my elementary school I recall we did do a May Pole.
I would have addded that years later I'd regularly attend the New York City
Beltane in the Park
As Marla is a fellow
we couldn't resist referencing
Tim Shaw
being "on"
Doctor Who,
and that Tim had recently
been a guest on the show.
Marla and I leaned we each have/get Virtual Motion Sickness; Tim Shaw had given Marla a video tour of his new east coast ranch home, and the weaving about caused Marla to get nauseous.
We discussed Walpurgis Night and celebrations thereof;
I pointed out that in Disney's Fantasia, the climactc
Night on Bald Mountain
sequence essentially was a Walpurgis Night.
Ceiling Cat Barbara Duncan
mentioned a YouTube video in which European witches
do a ritual dance
or sorts.
Nearly every time I went to ask a question, I'd call off the call...
sometimes I could hear them but they could hear me...
CC had to find out later what listeners we have tonight.
On the Skye text chat, she indicate listeners in the US, UK, Canada, and Unknown.
asked about Haunted Places about which Marla knew in the Los Angeles area, as well as Marla's own home, and the
Bridge to Nowhere
which apparently "erases peoples' memories"...
We spoke about how ghosts are attracted to thsoe who can Sense or See them, reminding Henry that his wife has the Gift.
Marla added when she wrote her first
Ghosts of Hollywood:
book, her publisher, who was also an investigator, reported that once the manuscript arrived her office became Grand Central Station for ghosts.
Henry and I pointed out our respective copies didn't come with such Bonus Material...
She pointed out an area of Hollywood, at Gardner and Hollywood Boulevard, often "hosts" ghostly shoot outs with Wild West type ghosts.
CC brought up
earthquake lights,
about which Marla and I were previously unaware.
We also spoke about the
La Brea Tar Pits
We spoke about
David Oman's
Sharon Tate
murder house investigations, obviously being on hold due to the CCP Virus lockdown.
As we were about to wrap out, someone in the live
chat room
asked about the depth of the Tar Pits.
Marla quickly looked it up and it indicated it's but a few inches deep.