Saturday January 30, 2016
Elaine Kuzmeskus
Tonight's returning guest was seven-time author
Elaine Kuzmeskus,
M.S., Director of the
New England School of Metaphysics.
I was out this evening, due to a film shoot.
I'd notified
Ceiling Cat
Barbara Duncan
in advance of my absense.
While I was not able to get in much tweeting during the shoot, which went a pleasant smidge over eleven hours
(and I never complain about getting overtime),
Through the show's
account, Kat
did convey
that Elaine's prediction/s for me were around the 95 minute mark of the show.
As the archived podcast was not available late into the night, I could only presume CC had not recorded it, and Henry would have it in someone the next day.
As I was waiting to be able to access it, I looked over my reports of previous editions of Elain's guest appearances in which she had time to do Readings for we hosts.
28 July 2012:
Elaine did foresee my getting back into writing, since then my completing several short-subject screenplays, 99% of those being extremely well received, being table-read with the film collective
We Make Movies,
with which I would become a member.
10 January 2015:
Elaine indicating I would improve in writing
(accurate, based on results).
02 February 2013:
Elaine spoke of a possible Spirit Guide of mine, named Ed, and how she suspected I have a lot of Yellow in my aura, what with much humour and that my etheric solar plexus energy is powerful.
She sensed a Hans, attracted to me by my acting background
(no one whom have I met, to date).
She also senses a Sherman for me; and that possibly my maternal grandmother was watching over me, which would not be surprising.
She continued with me that things are moving forward, particular with an indie feature around May
we suspected could be the Missouri feature
(which finally completed principal photography, albeit in October 2015).
Elaine sensed more finances from my friend Mike's movie
Fast Cheap & Out of Control,
from a commercial standpoint
(although due to partners' issues, that project fell on its face, permanently dead).
As far as tonight, Kat introduced Elaine with an impressively comprehensive bio.
Elaine clarified she's known best as a medium, and astrologer.
Her friend Phil Cohen
said Hi to Elaine via the
live chat room.
She spoke of
Evangeline Adams,
astrologer to
J. P. Morgan,
and how Evangeline did a hororscope via astrology, accurately predicting a building fire that came true, as well proving in court astrology's legitimacy.
At Henry's behest, Elaine explained in detail What Is Astrology.
Elaine went into Kat's horoscope.
As she wondered whether Kat had "had a major trip," and Skype dropped her from the call, Henry and CC had to remind Kat she had recently moved, to Rhode Island, which momentarily Kat had neglected to take into account could count towards being "a major trip."
Elaine went on to discuss America, mistakenly believing the Constitutional Republic as being a "democracy."
She also began implying income tax changes, none for the better, might be "for the best," which is anything but.
Decades of evidence to the contrary, Elaine is convinced that after the coming election, the economy would improve.
Henry asked about Pluto in astrology, what with science demoting it from being a planet.
My absense negated the mention of the
latest found planet
in our solar system.
After the first break, CC reported our having listeners tonight in the US, the UK, Pakistan, Canada, Australia, and Other/Unknown.
Elaine got into her origins getting into astrology, mostly via her fascination with American prophet
Edgar Cayce,
and her participation, contributing to
The Astrologer's Handbook.
brought up regarding
in health,
towards cancer,
cancer already
being curable
for several years now notwithstanding.
She added that Jimmy Carter had beaten stage four cancer, despite actually,
not so much.
Speaking about the next twenty years improving race relations, higher conciousness, and spiritualism, Elaine referenced
Dr. Eben Alexander's
Proof of Heaven
evidencing life after clinical death, the book also available
as an audio book.
She indicated the terrifying probability of a Trump vs. Hillary as the primary 2016 nominations.
Impressively, Henry pointed out with at least one of her numerous crimes, might Hillary stay in the race; Elaine felt as long as its within five points she'll stay in.
Kat jokingly implied Henry's stating of facts could be construed as being "political."
Elaine spoke of Aquarian presidents, such as northern states aggressor Abraham Lincoln, country-selling Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Iran-Contra's Ronald Reagan.
She spoke about Mary Todd Lincoln's spiritualist, and seances in the White House.
Speaking on FDR, she said how the press glossed over his short-comings, and certanly about his selling of the country and its citizenry to the banks.
Before Elaine could get into Reagan, Kat managed to get her to concede to the second break.
Once back, Elaine discussed Nancy Reagan's reliance on horoscopes.
She reiterated that barring any health issues, Trump would get the Republican nomination, and that Hillary would get the Democrat nomination
(mistakently calling it the "Democratic" nomination, despite there not being a Democratic Party, only the Democrat party).
She did feel that Socialist-based Bernie Sanders is "keeping Hillary on her toes."
She reminded everyone of her "prediction" that unemployment would go "down"
(still going with the "official" numbers, which only reflect those No Longer On Unemployment Payments Rosters, yet still unable to work, so in actuality umployment numbers continue to grow).
Elaine felt 2016 would be "more dicey," what with the ineptitude of the Administration handling its "budget," and owing so much to China.
She suspects a major earthquake could happen in California, but she admitted having thought that before, thankfully not
She felt technology and medicine would be better.
Elaine did concede Hillary crime/s regarding her having top secret and above emails
(and deleting same during the FBI investigation),
could haunt her.
She reminded us of Hillary's disturbing motto about taking a village to raise a child's codicil, that Hillary feels children are only a commodity: property of the state.
Kat pointed out that, in my absense, my
having requested
a "queef"
(Kat creating, after a fashion, her own Henryism there),
that is, a
quick Reading.
They had to struggle to remember my date of birth, despite
how quickly
one can find it.
Fortunately Henry's wife
had it handy, to provide to Henry.
Elaine reported that Taurus, as well as other earth signs Capricorn, Virgo, are all entering a "Lucky phase;"
with Jupiter's position, New Opportunities would be presenting themselves "fairly soon."
She felt there would be travel for me "in the spring."
She added Neptune is also entering good aspects, and aware of my acting, she pointed out Neptune rules the film industry.
She felt that between March and June, things would give me "a bit of a boost."
Going into April, she said I should budget my time very carefully, but that the feeling of being very very busy will return in August.
She went farther down the horoscope chart's signs' actors, starting with Taurus, mentioning such actors I know share my birthday, such as
Daniel Day-Lewis
(who also shares with me the same birth year),
Uma Thurman,
Michelle Pfeiffer.
Elaine caught Henry on the spot, asking after Patsy's sign, which Kat was quickly able to convey as being Aries.
Kat's Michael is a Sagittarius, while CC simply snarked as being "feral"...
Henry hoped Elaine could return as a guest, so as to also go into detail on the topic of past life and past life regression, pointing out there obviously being no time this evening for the comprehensive topic.
She was able to state one needs "only" to enter an Alpha state.
Elaine reminded that she posts predictions monthly on her
website; and one should select "Media tab" on her site
for videos,
despite the selection in actuality being hidden under the site's
Elaine also gave out her
for readings.
Kat gave out the show's various Twitter accounts:
the show
baffling listeners that my own Twitter is Geoffrey Gould instead of actually being
but she did give out my
Paranormal View Hub Page
on my site, and that I synopsize each show;
and could also Follow Kat's
on Twitter, and her
website with her Jinxed graphic novel.
Henry asked if CC wanted to declare any online presense, but as Kat mentioned upcoming
Gettysburg III event,
April 22-24, CC was able to defer so as to avoid having to get into her social media aspects.
CC did mention the show's official
The show is also findable
on Facebook,,
and Kat also has her
Henry announced that our subsequent week's guest would be
Most Haunted Neighborhood
David Domine,
author of
True Ghost Stories and Eerie Legends from America's Most Haunted Neighborhood
Phantoms of Old Louisville: Ghostly Tales from America's Most Haunted Neighborhood,
and the show wrapped out