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Saturday 16 October 2021 edition
Keven McQueen
Tonight we welcomed back folklorist and ghost-lorist author Keven McQueen, discussing much of his Murderous Acts book.
We discussed the various strange and often humourous true crimes, from around 1830s to the 1930s, all over the united states of America.
Considering his humourous posts on Facebook, I felt I had license to provide numerous bad jokes and word plays throughout the show where I could.
We spoke about various aspects of crime, one during which a woman who was shot at a party, another woman died of fright. We likened it to ads for the 1931 Frankenstein and Dracula declaring doctors/nurses on hand for people fainint or dying of fright; "Tabby" Cat Snider Gasch and Ceiling Cat Barbara Duncan said how to their local theaters for The Exorcist they had EMTs and such on standby. I couldn't resist mentioning the recent Squid Game show I'd recently binge-watched.
Henry referencing a story he pronounced razimg as razzing; we got into a brief debate as to how to pronounce raze and razing, as they were pronouncing each words as though they contained a double Z.
Henry referenced the Trilogy of Terror Zulu doll, much to Tabby's horror.
Before we wrapped, Keven gave out his website.
I checked and confirmed he'd checked out the videoes of anvil launching events.
Henry added that next week our returning guest would be Thomas Wertman.

16 October 2021 edition Full Audio podcast

16 October 2021 edition video on YouTube
The Paranormal View hosts
16 October 2021 The Paranormal View.

The Paranormal View

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Indiana University
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Kat Klockow

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From Hollywood:
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Craig Rupp

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