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Geoffrey Gould
Official co-host for
Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific
Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific

Saturday 09 October 2021 rebroadcast of 21 April 2018
Bruce Tango
Tonight our returning guest was investigator Facebook.
At first I suspedcted Henry was going to point out the next day was my birthday, but he had me introduce Bruce. Bruce and I discussed our pasts in New Jersey, his being from Elizabeth near Newark, and my living relatively close to Newark.
Ceiling Cat [CC] Barbara Duncan had Bruce discuss his earliest experiences. Also discussed was the Staring Man entity about which he experienced (details from his previous appearance on the show): "Bruce stressed he's only come across a seriously malignant entity twice. He said how "Hollywood" likes to convey that such evil happens All The Time, when it's tremendously rare. He indicated people who have seen the film have contacted him, and based on their conversations, the same entity had appeared to them as well."
In the documentary The Staring Man, (available on on DVD), details the events and shows the police sketch Bruce had had done up.
Not afraid of the entity, Bruce indicated wanting to confront it again.
Cat: in the the chat room, wanted to know about the entity's face. Bruce clarified it had a red face.
After the first break CC reported tonight our having listeners the US, UK, Canda, Australia, singapore, and Vietnam.
Bruce discussed the origins of The Staring Man title. It turned out his sister also saw "an" entity walking through her own bedroom, but she could never see its face. She was interviewed for the documentary later into the project.
Bruce indicated on his investigative bucket list would include, but not be limited to the Coliseum in Rome.
While done somewhat comically, we discussed our various levels of arachnophobia.
The upcoming ($140) May 26th 2018 Ghost Hunt with SyFy's Ghost Hunters at haunted Octagon Hall in Franklin, Kentucky was discussed.
From chat came the questions: has any invetigations left Bruce stumped? Bruce had to admit most paranormal investigations don't provide all, or even some of, the answes.
Also asked, whether he'd investigate overseas. Bruce reiterated wanting someday to visit the Coliseum. Also discussed was whether someone in another country who died might not understand English.
Unaware we had scant seconds, I was asked to give out the show's info,

() Bruce Tango, of TAPS and occasional guest investigator on the TV series Ghost Hunters.
Henry started talking about the DVD, and the story behind it. Bruce spoke about growing up in Elizabeth, New Jersey, how at age 6 or so, he awoke to see a grinning, red-faced, six foot figure standing at the foot of his bed, just staring at Bruce. Years later when he was making the film, he learned his sister had seen it as well. Ceiling Cat [CC] Barbara Duncan asked if there was a history of psychism or mediumship in his family. He's been asked that before, but to his knowledge there's no such abilities.
wondered about any paranormal activity prior to after that experience. The closest was a knock at the front door to no one there, as well as another time his father had him put away his baseball cards, but the next morning they were again strewn about. Bruce suspects that this may have been the entity's method of frightening him, though Bruce stressed he was never touched or harmed.
He said there were aspects of the story he has deliberately withheld, even from the DVD, that he will not discuss. He did not risk telling him mother, worried she might tell his father. He did tell his grandfather he trusted, who was more accepting.
Henry asked after the genesis of the movie, into which Bruce got.
After the first break, CC asked about the film's actors; did they have any paranormal experience? Bruce spoke about the actor Rich playing his grandfather, who had actually knew the man.
Bruce stressed he's only come across a seriously malignant entity twice. He said how "Hollywood" likes to convey that such evil happens All The Time, when it's tremendously rare.
He indicated people who have seen the film have contacted him, and based on their conversations, the same entity had appeared to them as well.
I asked as to why the completed film was not entered into the imdb, but Bruce indicated that they of the production have been discussing that.
CC asked if it was a built set, or did they shoot on location. Bruce said only the EVP session was in the original location. CC clarified whether any paranormal activity may have taken place where else they'd filmed.
Kat asked for Jenni B in the chat room, if they'd investigate the history of the property. Bruce indicated having found nothing to explain his encounter with this entity.
Henry asked Bruce's favourite spot he's investigated; he said there's an 18th century New Jersey building he investigated. Bruce saw a little girl about 9 years old run across the doorway right to left, glancing at Bruce and smiled. Another time there he did an EVP player but his batteries died, but they heard an audible disembodied voice of the little girl.
He and I concurred about how weird pretty much is all of New Jersey, paranormal-wise...
Henry touched on Bruce's working with his son on the Siffee series Ghost Hunters, who Bruce understandably praised.
Bruce attends various events held by Ideal Entertainment. He indicated he'd be attending in Woodbridge New Jersey the New Jersey ParaUnity Expo April 18th.

Full audio archived podcast of 09 October 2021 rebroadcast of 21 April 2018 edition Full Audio podcast

09 October 2021 rebroadcast of 21 April 2018 YouTube edition

DVD trailer of The Staring Man

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