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Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific

Saturday 07 November 2020
Cat Gasch
Tonight's returning guest was author and paranormal investigator "Tabby" Cat Snider Gasch.
Henry asked how the CCP Virus is affecting the paranormal investigative community (as well as affecting the paranormal itself), which Cat addressed.
Cat clarified she Senses the arrival of Spirit before communication is attempted by the Spirit. The room also grows cold as though a refridgerator door has been opened. She'll turn and See them, and sometimes it takes them a bit of time before they try to communicate.
Ceiling Cat Barbara Duncan had Cat discuss when to believe for what ghosts are asking of her, and how to distringuish actual assistance requests over possible mischievous entities.
As she has four cats, I asked whether they react to spirit, which they do. One entity that regularly visits is not a cats fan. Another, who makes music requests, likes cats and the cats are fine with him. Another entity tolerates cats but prefers dogs, but Cat's cats will react to him. One entity tends to pace behind the sofa as they're watching TV, and the cats watch the entity pace.
We talked about a Haunted House Attraction (Creek Side Manor in Williamsport, Maryland), that actually contains a few actual ghosts, including but not limited to a little boy, who once followed home Cat. Eventually he became enough of a bother Cat sent him back. Returning for another investigation she had to stress to the boy he couldn't follow her or any of the investigation team home. As Cat was doing this (in front of team members), a digital recorder set up to run on its own, had the boy ask into it, "Are you scolding me?" The five or so entities that are there are all Aware of visitors: to Cat's conclusions, there's no residial hauntings.
Cat spoke about Antietam and how during this year of the CCP Virus, the spirits literally are confused to where everyone has gone. She spoke of Craig Rupp, setting up a recorder, later on which there's a literal EVP conversation or entities confused as to why Craig left the recorder and just left. They seek out the communication.
Cat spoke of her co-hosting with Tammy aka Psychic Little T, for their new Para-X show Journey Into the Light Chapter Three, Thursdays at 7pm eastern/4pm Pacific, prior to Marla Brooks' show.

07 November 2020 edition audio podcast

07 November 2020 edition video on YouTube

Now also available on iTunes

My Life Amidst
the Paranormal
by Cat Gasch
Cat Snider Gasch
07 November 2020 edition

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