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Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific

Saturday June 13, 2020
Thomas Wertman
Tonight we had back one of our favourites, UFOlogist Thomas Wertman of MUFON.
Thomas started out discussing a recent case in Brazil, but that some of the information came across like a game of telephone. According to a video on YouTube, peple in a car witnessed, and filmed a UFO crashing...! Unfortunately, the video/s were uploaded to YouTube, instead of any official UFO reports being made. Reddit began censoring and/or removing videos and information. creating a Streisand effect, creating attracting attention to it more than had they been left alone.
After the break, CC reported our having listeners in the US, England, Canada, Australia, and Nigeria.
"Tabby" Cat Gasch: in the live chat room asked about UFOs and military bases, and that eastern coast bases seem to lack sightings. Thomas spoke about western bases having more facilities to fabricate special aircraft.
Nyla asked about whether the government interviewed Travis Walton about his experiences. Thomas spoke about his own interactions with Travis, and his behaviour shifting between speaking of his abduction, and when he was talking about "regular stuff" topics. It was as though when discussing the Experience, he was exhibiting Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
We spoke about abduction experiences; being in a semi-sleep, Hypnagogic state, etc. He spoke of one woman who had had a few abductions since she was much younger, along with other family members, perceiving "a circus." She had drawn out the experience/s in stick-figure book; she believed in one experience she'd been impregnated, and in a later experience the fetus was removed. She would eventually be "introduced" to her hybrid child which was alien enough to freak her out. Thomas was relating it to a UFOlogist, who blanched at the circus reference, conveying that he had in his youth abducted and perceived a circus. Thomas and I wondered What Aspect of a circus were they perceiving? Rides? The Midway? Maybe just being inside the Big Top...?
Another question was about Sasquatch showing up during UFO sightings, with which Thomas disagreed, that while there might be coincidental sightings, doesn't mean a correlations between the two events.
Henry asked about Thomas at Salt Fork Lake State Park, considering bigfoot sightings.
Thomas spoke about upcoming events, but thanks to the CCP Virus public events are still on hold.

13 June 2020 edition podcast

13 June 2020 Video edition on YouTube

The Paranormal View hosts
13 June 2020 The Paranormal View

Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific
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