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Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific
Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific

Saturday January 12, 2019
Tiffaney and Joe Mason
Tonight's returning guest was psychic medium Tiffaney and her husband Joe Mason.
Skype was being its characteristically insane self. Henry had to wrangle the program to get them both on, 23 minutes in.
Before the show, Ceiling Cat Barbara Duncan and I were discussing the rain hitting our respective areas of California, plus working with actors and industry folk. When the show started, and the issues getting on our guests, CC and I continued our talk, almost comically discussing Eddie Paskey (on air I mispoke his given name as Dick, not Eddie), playing Mr. Leslie on Star Trek TOS.
On the playback, however, there was a weird cutoff during our discussing Trek, which we did on air, as Henry battled to get Tiffaney and Joe on the show.
Tiffaney suggested they return to Preble County Historical Society as Joe has yet to investigate there.
Joe calls on Hecate to have his back, as well as archangle St. Michael. He also carries with him for protection a human bone he found in a 19th century graveyard (brought up by burrowing groundhogs), as well as onyx, and religious symbols.
Tiffaney clarified her conceptual distinction between active hauntings, and residual hauntings.

Henry conveyed that our annual Gettysburg trip would be 18-20 April 2019 at a new venue: an unnamed haunted farmhouse.
They had been unable to attend Haunted Bourbon 2018 event last November. CC told us that Tinamarie had also indicated the event had been cancelled as it was.
Tiffaney spoke about ghosts visiting dreams.
CC reported our having Listerners tonight in the US, the UK, Canada and Unknown.
Sadly we had no time for Readings tonight...
Henry conveyed our guest the next week would be Elaine Kuzmeskus, M.S., Director of the New England School of Metaphysics

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The Paranormal View hosts
The Paranormal View 12 January 2019 edition, with guest Tiffaney Mason
Bam! Dead People!

Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific
The Paranormal View

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Para-X Radio: all paranormal, all the time
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