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Geoffrey Gould
Official co-host for
Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific
Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific

Saturday July 07, 2018
TinaMarie Ronan
Henry had a new opening, which I found extremely funny.
Our returning guest tonight was paranormal investigator and Reiki Master TinaMarie Ronan, member of, and one time director of, the Michiana Chapter of the Indiana Ghost Trackers.
Henry indicated an October event at Poasttown, and Mid-South Paranormal Convention later in July.
TinaMarie started out discussing Reiki.
She also spoke of a cigarette smoking ghost for which her as-yet-still-unbelieving husband was searching in their home, until he realized he was probably chasing a ghost he couldn't perceive beyond the smoke odour.
We discussed various hauntings she's investigated.
Ceiling Cat Barbara Duncan asked about what areas of Indiana TinaMarie has investigated. TinaMarie spoke about Notre Dame Universit, and the cross lay-lines there. Her daughter Kelly attends Indiana State University at which the dorms are haunted.
Kelly stayed at Berford "haunted" Hall, and emailed TinaMarie about other students using Ouija boards, and now people were seeing Ghosts and such. In the email she described that the empty halls were still Populated by entities. CC mentioned feeling cheated that no one during her college years no one brought a Ouija board.
CC reported our having listeners tonight in the US, the UK, Canada, Netherlands, and Unknown.
Her favourite place to investigate is Waverly, but in Indiana her favourite plays is the Roads Hotel in Atlanta.

07 July 2018 edition podcast

Now also available on iTunes

The Paranormal View hosts
The Paranormal View 07 July 2018 edition, with guest TinaMarie Ronan

Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific
The Paranormal View

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