Saturday January 13, 2018
Elaine Kuzmeskus
Tonight's returning guest was seven-time author
Elaine Kuzmeskus,
M.S., Director of the
New England School of Metaphysics.
was out due to the flu, his first actually missing a show for illness.
Ceiling Cat Barbara Duncan
took on hosting, with
PC claimed my Skype was on, but it was not coming up as such for Sarge, so I had to be called in via my phone.
Elaine discussed mediumship training in England; they insist on details.
Elaine added how some mediums also work with Astrology as she does, and considers it Very Accurate: not just people, but places and events.
Lincoln, Washington, and Reagan were all Aquarians.
Lincoln apparently had a medium visit the White House in the Red Parlour, referring to the book
Was Abraham Lincoln a Spiritualist?
She also discussed Ronald Reagan and
Franklin Delano Roosevelt,
as being Aquarians.
She spoke about various Presidents, even June 14 1946's Leo
(Sun. Moon, and Mars)
Donald Trump.
Born under a FUll Moon, Elaine and CC agreed he is intuitive.
His having Mercury in Cancer indicates why he tends to tweet impulsively.
After the break, CC reported our having listeners tonight in the US, Australia, Canada, and Great Britain.
Elaine spoke about recent and
Super Moons.
She spoke of what dates are best to Do Things, travel, avoid things, et al, and that she lists lunar asepcts on her
With Martin Luther King Day two days later, Elaine spoke about doing Dr. King's chart.
Having also done the chart of Steven Spielberg, she discussed the famous director's chart.
Answering a question from the
chat room,
Elaine discussed numerology.
Elaine gave out her Current Predictions:
A rise in interest rates, so strive to stay out of debt
Social Programs may be cut
Incredible increase in spirituality
Within three years: diabetes cure
Banking industry will have a shake up of some sort
Suspicion that, possibly within two years, the military draft may be coming back, though not as strict as in the 1960s
Elaine's Ninth Book is due out in August, as yet untitled, about health.
I was told there could be More Work for me this year; I let her know that while the Mansfield project had gone into turnaround, its formerly attached actors all SOL therefrom, that the
Gettysburg project
is being rejuvenated.
She saw me as Writing; I told her about my script writing, and my short film
competition winning script
being in pre-production.
CC's predictions included travel, with a friend; that she's Very Intruitive though she tends to shy away from it.
Elaine insisted CC write on a notepad of What Sort Things are coming up.
Our predictions were done right to the last second as we concluded, Elaine and I providing respective site and contact information.
website; select "Media tab" for Monthly Predictions page
on her site
Elaine's online
number, for private readings.