Saturday May 14, 2016
Tiffaney Mason
Tonight's returning guest was psychic medium
Skype was being its characteristically insane self.
had to dial in Tiffaney, as Skype was being even weirded with her, insisting she start paying for it.
Tiffaney had tried to ask me about doing a Reading for me before the show, but Facebook Messenger did not send her messages after I[d replied to her original message.
She also indicated normally this time of year Readers slow down, but this year Reading clients are rather steadily coming in.
While she can do Readings over the phone, Tiffaney prefers in-person Reading.
When meeting new clients Tiffaney said she tends to feel a bit of trepidation, stating her amazement that as an actor I can just go to an audition and do acting and such.
During the show, noticeable only during playback,
this above paragraph
Tiffaney's audio cut out and in so violently as to obliterate what I've just typed, considering in our headsets we heard her fine.
Ceiling Cat Barbara Duncan
asked about Tiffaney ghost-hunting in accurate War Between the States garb.
One ghost union soldier flagged her down, complaining how so many tourists go to a specific monument, but no one goes to his nearly-hidden monument.
Tiffaney told the union soldier how her heart bleeds for the Confederacy, to which the ghost replied, "On This Side, None of that Matters..."
She has friends who can bring her to Places in Gettysburg to Just Her See what she can see.
She spoke of one place beyond the tree line, at the north side of
Little Round Top,
but my audio kept cutting out.
"Tabby" Cat Gasch Snider:
was in the
chat room,
giving Tiffaney permissions to give a Message she had from that afternoon.
A ghost popped in and mentioned Cat, which she conveyed.
CC reported our having Listerners tonight in the US, the UK, Germany, and Canada, Unknown.
Henry asked about Tiffaney recently
asking people on Facebook
what are their
reasons for hunting ghsts.
Henry took the opportunity to declare this year's Gettysburg show weekend wouild be
April 13-14.
They would be investigating the famous
as well as checking out playing the
1863 Escape Room,
et al.
Tiffaney said she and her
husband Joe,
would be attending the November 2018
Haunted Bourbon 2018
event, being run by
the same name.
Tiffaney conveyed a Passed Away person, possibly my
late father,
telling me Change was coming, his pride in my work, etc.
Henry asked what sort of upcoming events Tiffaney and Joe might be attending; she indicated
27 January
in Fort Wayne, Indiana.