Saturday October 01, 2016
Butler County Historical Society
National Ghost Hunting Day,
Kathy Creighton,
Executive Director of the
Butler County Historical Society
in Hamilton, Ohio, adding that
would be there, investigating
Poasttown Elementary School
ending up at
Ryan's Tavern
Currently Henry and Kathy were at the 1870s
Benninghofen House,
the history of which Kathy conveyed, which the Historical Society has owned since the 1947 when it was bequeathed to the society.
Henry had previously been given a walk-through, and he spoke about there being a massive walk-in bank-level vault in the cellar, which Kathy figures was due to Benninghofen being a wealthy industrialist.
The house also has the last aspect of the 1791
Fort Hamilton
destroyed in the
1913 flood:
the bell that was washed away and eventually recovered, and now rests in the cellar.
Lathy went into the haunting aspects of the place
(particularly Wilhelmina Benninghofen),
and the front bedroom.
Kathy spoke of a news photographer who was taking a tour and went to one of the bedrooms, which a "strong masculine presence" denied her entrance.
Another time Kathy experienced a possible time-slip when doll cases had vanished and Kathy could see one of the two little girl ghosts, Anna, and she could Sensed Isabelle.
During a session with a medium they came across
James McBride,
who generally gets annoyed by the little girl ghosts.
The girls were tied to their pictures that are in the house; despite their each dying at advanced ages, their ghosts are at the age of their portraits, to which Kathy refers to their being tied.
She spoke about communicatng with the girls via
Tiffaney Mason
as the medium.
Kathy spoke about a[n unnamed] movie being shot there, with black actors.
Kathy about Tiffaney being contacted by Wilhelmina who couldn't comprehend why there were black people in her home's formal parlour.
asked about how TriOPS got involved; Kathy had been contacted by them to do an investigation.
The society board was flat out against it, eventually saying the only way it'd be allowed would be if the surviving Benninghofen family approved.
Kathy contacted Chris the great-great-granddaughter, whose reply declared the only way they'd say no to it is if they were not allowed to attend the investigation.
With such a resounding reply, the board had to relent and allow the investigation to take place, along with the Benninghofen family members who attended.
After the first break,
Ceiling Cat Barbara Duncan
reported the show having listeners tonight in the uS, the UK, Australia, Canada, and Costa Rica.
Henry asked about the front room/s, that were added to the house a few years earlier.
Kathy spoke of
Dr. Keely,
a dentist whose instruments are in the cellar, who apparently pranks one of the volunteers, Marlene, by moving things around.
Kathy spoke about
Lynne Bell
told her about a Native American standing there in full war-paint.
The two went over to play 20 Questions to work at deducing who it'd be.
It turned out to be
Blue Jacket,
who many suspected was
Marmaduke Van Swearingen.
There's a cigar smoker named
Brigadier Ferdinand Van Derveer,
which is one of Kathy's favourite spirits in the house.
They have a few items of his, such as the spurs he wore during the war between the states, items to which he may be tied.
After the second break, Henry and Kathy noted people starting to arrive for the evening investigation.
Henry had with him a fellow named
along for the investigation.
Kathy clarified for CC that sometimes newbie investigators get "pranked" by the ghosts.
Kathy said she'd gone upstairs and advised the ghosts to "be on their worst behaviour."
As Kathy spoke more about Van Derveer, Henry "went off" somewhere; Quentin cautiously mentioned this to Kat, who was aware of it as most likely Henry conveyed such via the Skype text-chat.
Henry brought in a newbie investigator of sorts,
Taylor Foitsig
whose best friend
"talked her into" attending; Taylor literally has no knowledge of the house or its history.
Henry then introduced another newbie:
Traci (or Tracy) Mayberry
Henry briefly mentioned
being absent, alluding to my acting, but not officially mentioning the high-end
The Tension Experience
event/show, in which
I'd been performing,
weekends from late September and would through the end of October, at least.
Kathy had to bow out to do a preliminary talk to the newbies amongst the TriOPS group.
Kat conveyed that our
chat room
sent a Google Maps photo of the House where clouds reflected on the windows give the appearance of an older mand and two young girls gazing out.
Henry conveyed that next week we would have
Rich Newman
on his book
Haunted Bridges.
Kat proceeded to utterly mangle my website, again: as the non existant as opposed to
(as well as rendering useless even referring to my
Paranormal View hub
as well as forgetting my
Twitter name...