Saturday January 06, 2016
Pamala Oslie
Tonight we had returning guest psychic and colour expert
Pamala Oslie,
who was missing as we began the show.
spoke about her
Wednesday speaking engagement
at the
Rockland Memorial Library.
spoke about
the new film
The Forest
while we waited to get ahold of Pamala.
was able to get Pamala online, and we kicked off speaking about her
Infinite You
As Pamala touched on the aspect of quantum physics, and the concept of observation changing outcomes, I pointed out the
Doctor Who
Henry announced we'd be doing a live show from Gettysburg in April, possibly from the
Dave Stewart Farm
site, which was a hospital for the wounded during the war between the states.
Pamala discussed
alternate universes,
and overlapping dimensions, as well as positive perceptions about one's own reality.
Henry suggested to
the chat room,
they go to Pam's
Aura Colors
Love Colors
sites, at which visitors can
take the colour test,
for readings after the break, or at least understand the colour references.
Ceiling Cat Barbara Duncan
reported our having listeners tonight in the US, the UK, Canada, Belguim, Germany, Norway, Costa Rica, and the Philippines.
Henry asked about reincarnation, about which Pamala analogized as being similar to doing stage plays, as well as obliquely referencing my favourite quantum physics book,
The Holographic Universe
Michael Talbot.
As listeners were checking out the online test, Pamala provided what colours represented what.
As the show wound down, I gave out Pamela's
Aura Colors
Life Color City
websites, and didn't quite re-find the info regarding her weekly
radio show
airs live
Mondays at 5pm-6pm pacific, 8pm-9pm eastern, and that it has
archived podcasts.
Pamala has two Twitter accounts,
and she's on
as is her
Life Colors book.
I also quickly provided my website's
Paranormal View hub
page one can find the show's respective report pages,
that we're very
findable on Facebook,
page, though I had no time to indicate one can
Follow me on Twitter.
Kat gave out the show's
presence on Twitter,
the show now being
available on iTunes
Henry conveyed our having
Amelia Cotter
returning as our guest the next week, discussing her
Maryland Ghosts
Kat pretty much only gave out her
site, as opposed to her
Kat Klockow website,
though not so much her
Hunt For Ghosts