Saturday November 15, 2014
Author Roberta Grimes
Tonight we had
returning guest
Roberta Grimes,
author of
The Fun of Staying In Touch,
the follow-up to her
The Fun of Dying
I started out speaking about a callback on a project,
and that hopefully it won't conflict schedule-wise with
which is almost ready to start filming my scenes
Roberta began with how we're Constantly Receiving contacts from oved ones who have Gone On before us, we often just don't recognize it.
She had researched the tons of literature out there of reports of such contact
Hello From Heaven
Judy and Bill Guggenheim
about varied
Much of the contact goes unrecognized due to it believing it.
I conveyed my
Dad's Penny
story, as
mentioned it when Roberta spoke along the same lines.
Roberta spoke of the frequency of the physical plane, and how the conciousness of those who Have Passed now vibrate at a higher frequency.
I pointed out she should check out the new film
as its climax kind of touches on that concept.
She also spoke of concepts of frequency very close to
Yoda's teachings
Empire Strikes Back.
She spoke of her late brother who played with local electricity so she'd know if was He being in touch.
Ceiling Cat
Barbara Duncan
pointed out that
Michael Shermer
had had an experience that had to make him go Hmm...
that a completely dead and irreperable radio suddenly on its own began playing on Shermer's wedding day.
absent tonight, CC took us to the first break, and I brought us back in.
CC reported our having listeners from the US, the UK, Canada, Puerto Rico, and Romania.
Roberta discussed how the dead communicate with us via our dreams that are remembered; also sounds that remind of the Passed person.
She added how sometimes they can move matter, and produce specific scents.
A listener in Ireland in
the chat room
asked about pet spirits, as well as hearing one's own name being called.
I pointed out the Rainbow Bridge.
We discussed the concep of the Eternal Now; Roberta indicated that as time is so relative, we are living all our incarnated lives At The Same Time,
also referencing
Brian L. Weiss's
Same Soul Many Bodies
Roberta spoke about visible manifestations, and goodbyes.
We discussed the "eating and drinking" in the afterlife at our celebratory arrival, but that the ethereal food isn't actually ingestible.
We then went into the unsettling concept that there is "no sex" in the afterlife.
Also touched on was our Life Review and having to forgive Oneself.
CC brought up the concept of suicides.
Roberta answered how with such, it makes going through the Judgement/Review aspect, and that younger people have less issue with it.
After the second break, Roberta did clarify that there are some Not Overly Nice people who stick arond, earth bound.
Suddenly we had a Skype attack, rendering Roberta's voice so distorted she sounded like a combination of a Dalek and early Cyberman
(it's like we're talkin' with
Nicholas Briggs,
our weekly "obligatory" reference to Doctor Who).
I pointed out that in the chat room we had someone indicating he's been clinically dead twice,
but did not experience any aspect of an Afterlife, and a friend of my family
died on an operating table and was resucitated but also could not recall anything.
Is it possible neither of them "were dead enough," or that their non recollection is
analogous to not recalling the previous night's dream?
Roberta indicated that they'd not gotten to the correct vibratory frequency level.
Discussing mediums, Roberta referenced
The Afterlife Experiments
Gary Schwartz
and the
Windbridge Institute
She discussed scrying and
Raymond Moody
experimenting with black-backed mirrors.
Roberta also touched on pendulum use, and
Carol Morgan.
Henry asked about electronic communications.
Roberta listed the regular EVPs and such.
Roberta gave our her
Seek Reality
podcast on iTunes which has thousands of subscribers, and hundreds of new ones every day.
I pointed out that as of very recently,
The Paranormal View podcast is now also on iTunes.
She also gave out her website,
that her books are on Amazon
(direct links are below),
and that she always answers her
email, and that's she both
on Twitter: @Roberta_Grimes,
and on
I provided my website's
Paranormal View hub
page at which one can find the show's respective report pages,
and that we're very
findable on Facebook,
et al.
As I was house- and cat-sitting and my regular text was back home, I was only able to impart for the absent Kat her
and the show's
Twitter presence, but not her new
page, nor her other
Twitter account,
Facebook fan page,
Hunt For Ghosts
site, nor her
Miss Grey
graphic novel page.
Henry conveyed our guest next week would be
Kimmy Jay Belanger
regarding her
A Witch Walks Among Broken Branches