Saturday September 06, 2014
Cryptids in the Paranormal
With no official guest this night, we hosts
Henry Foister,
Kat Klockow,
Ceiling Cat
Barbara Duncan
and I discussed varied crypids of the paranormal.
Henry started out about hearing a Cough in his place, considering his wife Patsy was away.
He turned on a digital recorder and left it by the stairs.
He played back the EVP, which CC thought it said, "Barb."
Kat spoke about a
family haunted in their rental home,
as well as the sad fact that inventor of the Frank's Box,
Frank Sumption having passed away.
paranormal pop culture.
CC spoke abuot recent news about
slenderman, orlando, 14 year old girl, arson, burn
paranormalpopculture, telepathy experiment, Dreamscape, insert dreams, chow, india, france
During the first break, Henry played
Bonnie Vent paranormal news,
not only covering the Frank Sumption story, she also spoke about
connie britton
having rented a haunted house.
We started off with our cryptic
alien big cats
loveland ohio frog creatures
kat clarified they're seen close to the
loveland castle.
Henry continued
lake creature Bessie 1870
Kat mentioned the
Mud mermaid, ohio river
kentucky Popelick half goat railroad
movie Legend of the Popelick Monster
Indiana cryptic giant turtles
TriState Bigfoot dot com
CC mentioned the famous
Gnome Video,
and that there's a
new video.
Coming back from the second berak, CC reported tonight along with those in the chat room we had listeners in the US, the UK, Canada, Ireland, and Costa Rica.
Henruy brought up the subject of
Creepy Dolls,
Haunted Dolls,
Mystic Crypt
Henry mentioned
as well.
He suggested
Kat reported a few new TV shows, each on
Destination America:
Ghost Asylum
Amish Haunting
Alaska Monsters
Kat then read about
Dr. Barry Taft
one of the legends of the paranormal, raising money for paranormal research.
and updates regarding
Ghost Adventurers
season 10.
Henry conveyed our guest the next week would be metaphysicist
Myrna Lou Goldbaum,
Henry conveyed our guest the next week would be
Bruce Tango,
of TAPS and
Ghost Hunters.
I gave out
my site's Paranormal View hub page,
indicating people from there can find the show's respective report pages, that we're very
findable on Facebook,
the official
Paranormal View page
Kat gave out her
HuntForGhosts page
site; Barbara didn't officially give out her
information, but as it's
via our Facebook page,
it was inferred.