Saturday March 29, 2013
Victor Paruta
Tonight we welcomed
Victor Paruta
Victory of Light Paranormal Investigations
Victory of Light Expo.
We started out with Skype being extremely tetchy about my connecting to the show, even misdialing through my phone as though
Steve Shockley
was trying to call me.
Victor went into the origins of his
Victory of Light Expo,
from talks in his Victory Books bookstore.
The event has been at the Cincinnati
Sharonville Convention Center
for fourteen years.
He went into how powerful and healing is the event for those who have attended.
Victor mentioned a few of the speakers including but not limited to
Jeff Morris
Miamitown Ghost Tours.
Victor went on to clarify
and how one can train one's psychic ability; that many people disbelieve in their own abilities, such being "socialized" out of them.
After the break
(Victor was so enthralling we never did get to the second break),
Victor spoke of his own origins of his psychic nature, such as vivid, often precognitive dreams as a child.
At 15 he got into meditation; soon he could communicate with trees and other psychic aspects.
He learned how to do Tarot and fulfilled another psychic prediction Victor would become a professional psychic; he's been doing readings since 1989.
We discussed
Dayton Lane Ghost Walk,
October 19 2014; Henry pointed out we had
broadcast the show from last year's
event from
Dr. Thomas Nye's
Shuler Mansion.
Henry told Victor of
Ryan's Tavern,
which Victor has not yet visited.
Victor spoke about some places at which sometimes Too Many Ghosts try to get into his head at once.
The most interesting investigations on which Victor and his group has gone, was one of the first: a private residence in Adams County.
Victor arrived first, already getting psychic impressions on the drive there.
The family dynamic was very soap opera-esque, a passed family member being very controlling even after death.
Victor and another team member Cleared the space, while elsewhere in the house the rest of the team's equipment reflected the house suddenly being Empty of Activity.
CC asked as to whether Victor uses crystals
(he does, but not always).
for Clearing.
He does use them for haunting-energy Pattern Breaking.
Victor gave out the
Victory of Light Expo's
April 5th and 6th, dates and information.
He didn't have time to provide his group's
web page
email information from his website, and/or that he's Followable on
I gave out the
Paranormal View hub page
on my website, indicating people from there can find the show's respective report pages,
that we're very
findable on Facebook,
the official
Paranormal View page
page; I also gave out Kat's
and her
Hunt For Ghosts page,
and we wrapped out.