Saturday April 06, 2013
Off to see Godzilla... oh wait...
This date was not only a farewell-for-two-weeks of author
Kat Klockow,
as she heads to Japan for a fortnight, but the
one-year anniversary
of the announcement of Kat being a new co-host of
The Paranormal View.
Possibly due to some bad puns and word-plays I was able to toss in early on, my Internet connection disconnected and I had to reboot,
though after discussing some of the ancient monsters and demons, Kat realized CC had also been dropped from the call.
Henry began trying calling back me and CC.
He connected with CC but couldn't hear her.
He didn't notice that my Skype icon would have been off due to my still rebooting.
While Henry endevoured to get CC and me back on the call, Kat discribed the origins of Shintoism.
Once CC and I were back, Kat got back into discussing
Sea of Trees,
also known famously, or infamously, as the
Suicide Forest,
in which travelers are more terrified of finding bodies, including but not limited to suicides: according to what Kat has been told, two to five hundred people per year literally travel to Aokigahara to commit suicide.
She even got a little into movie culture, both horror and silly movies such as
Critorian edition of Godzilla.
Ceiling Cat
Barbara Duncan
let us know we had listeners in the US, Finland, France, Canada, Australia and the UK.
She spoke of the author
Lafcadio Hearn
who translated Japanese ghost stories into English, such as
Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things.
Kat spoke of the polite
which love eating pickles and... human livers.
She spoke of invisible ghostly entities called
that simply follow you around, mostly to mock the person being followed.
She spoke of the semi-creepy
Japanese spirit cats.
After the second break, we discuss a few Haunted Places in Japan
Natsuki Naval Base,
with a ghost wandering aimlessly.
Henry brought up
Kanagawa Naval Base,
and its haunting/s, but after a few moments I found
the page
to which Henry had found these hauntings.
Kat visited Hiroshima 13 years ago, and being American it's rather difficult.
She was pulled into the war museum, where it showed how it looked in 1945, then right after the bomb.
Many buildings actually remained, the sillouettes of vapourized people on the walls.
Statues represented how people who were not vapourized had their flesh melting off.
Retelling the horrors Kat's voice couldn't help but crack.
She stressed psychics shouldn't visit Hiroshima; there is nearly a constant white noise of ongoing screaming.
Henry reported our next week's guest being
Dawn Short
Kat conveyed her
and both her
Facebook information
and her
Miss Grey Resurrection
Facebook page.
I provided
my Paranormal View hub page
on my website, indicating people from there can find the show's
official site,
that we're findable
on Facebook,
the official
Paranormal View page
page, et al, and