Saturday August 11, 2012
Marla Brooks
I was attending STUCon4 in Monterey Park, under the impression the new venue was haunted and would have an investigation, but it wasn't and we didn't... but 8:30pm buses home is a lot easier than 1:30am buses home...
I was not alone in bringing with me my laptop, but as with everyone else... there was no Internet signal to be had, so I was unable to participate in that evening edition of The Paranormal View.
As Kat was also not available, Henry and Ceiling Cat Barbara were able to bring in as a guest co-host the awesome and reliable
Marla Brooks
(of the Thursday night para-x show
Stirring the Cauldron).
Initially Henry had planned on an evening on various topics with himself, Kat and CC and my having done some research.
Amusingly, Henry started out about
Black Eyed Kids
(of one my favourite topics),
and CC was aware of them, but not in detail.
Henry spoke of
Brian Bethel's experience,
though from his reading, it was clear that he used a different source.
Marla felt she may have seen an episode of Doctor Who with BEKs, but I have no idea to which episode she thought she was refering.
CC posited it could be medication that expands the pupils, despite a pupil normally not exceeding the width of an eye's iris.
Not having read the original Bethel page, Henry seemed unaware of other witnesses across whom Bethel had come.
While Henry pointed out only stories of people not permitting the BEKs entry into a house or car, they didn't connect the dots that the only stories of witnesses are those who weren't just witnesses of BEKs but actually survivors of BEK encounters.
Due to not knowing of the other first-hand account witnesses
(e.g., those who let them in... and thereby
[most likely]
did not survive),
the three suspected it could be "just" an Urban Legend...
Joking about Snipe Hunting, CC suggested sending someone Snipe Hunting in the
Pine Barrens,
the reference to which Henry apparently didn't recognize, let along it being
Jersey Devil
Henry asked after imp-like
about which CC explained.
Marla pointed out a
previous guest
of hers,
Christopher Balzano
had had an encounter himself, and managed some
video during an investigation
Ron Kolek
Maureen Wood
was attacked.
Marla spoke of the Hispanic legend of
La Llorona: The Weeping Woman,
and how even in Los Angeles
she's been sighted.
Henry brought up the topic of faeries.
Marla pointed out that there are so many myriad of classes of the Fae that it's not an easy question.
She clarified they're not all Tinkerbell-esque; they come in all shapes, sizes and temperments, and they discussed it in much greater detail
with a little help from a copy of
Encyclopedia of the Unseen World
Marla had handy.
Also discussed with the famous 1917 paper cut-out
Cottingley Faerie
Marla relayed how another guest on her show,
Edain McCoy,
had discussed the fae, having
written a book on faeries.
Henry shifted into another aspect of the Fae, the
(pronounced shay).
Not surprisingly, Marla refered to the classic film
Darby O'Gill and the Little People.
Meanwhile Henry clearly was refering to the late
Ted Andrews
Enchantment of the Faerie Realm
during their discussion.
Shifting to House Elves, Marla refered to the Hawaiian
which are similar in characteristic to Celtic brownies, managing to get in an organic plug of her e-book
A Bad Case of the Collywobbles.
Marla also brought up the Australian
mostly, as with most people, she thinks its name is cool.
As a change of pace, CC and Marla did a few Readings for people in the chat room, even for Henry, right up to wrap-up, giving Marla no time to provide her
Due to my own absense, also not given out was
my website,
Paranormal View page
thereon, that
The Paranormal View
being easily findable on
et al.
That'll happen.
Marla's books are listed on my
metaphysics books
(and below);
Marla's non-metaphysical non-fiction books being on my
non-fiction books
page as well
(and as below, always listed on her guest appearance report page/s).