Saturday September 03, 2011
Barbara Sillery
Our guest tonight was
Barbara Sillery,
author of
The Haunting of Mississippi
The Haunting of Louisiana.
From the start we ran into some mega-Skype issues, nearly as bad as
the previous edition,
though at least here we didn't lose the first half hour.
in the chat room assured us we were audible in there; the problems may be in the headsets, as Henry was using his PC again.
For her books, her research was directly hands-on, going to locations and such.
Due to the echos in our headsets, Barbara was understandably distract so her speech cadence was a bit "off;" Henry took an early break and dumped the call so as to call us back.
Coming back, after Henry remembered to unmute his Skype, and then silence his ringing phone, we still had the Skype-echo issue.
Barbara kept cutting in and out through my headset, then Skype dumped the lot of us.
"There is a problem with this call," Skype assured us as we were unceremoniously dumped.
We got back on... the call... apparently not on the air....
Henry suggested the chat room refresh, but researchgal in the chat room indicated it didn't help.
Henry decided he'd have to reboot the server.
Barbara discussed the
McRaven House,
which apparently is for sale, so not really
open for investigations
at the moment.
Barbara's echo through our headset made it rather tough... even worse with Skype dumping us again.
Thankfully we have a very forgiving chat room and very forgiving listeners.
Once we got going again, Barbara began to speak about
Cedar Grove Bed and Breakfast
Vicksburg Mississippi
when Skype dumped us again...!
Once we recovered the call, she continued about how the former chef is none too pleased anyone has taken over for him, as well as the owners whose ghosts are far more placid.
Henry reported our having listeners in the US Canada, and the ubiquitous "Other"....
Barbara spoke of
Nutt's Folly
before Craig asked after her favourite haunts, as it were.
She reported of a house
in which portraits were recovered from a hiding place by a plumber who was trying to find the source of water falling from a ceiling.
When the portraits were brought downstairs, the water stopped, with no answer from where the water had come.
At Henry's question, Barbara then went into detail about
It was previously figured that we would focus this show on
The Haunting of Mississippi
and we would have her back down th'road to discuss her
The Haunting of Louisiana
The show was still like a Jedi: it didn't die... it would just fade in and out as....
Skype dumped us once again.
Once we got back, again, Henry asked about and Barbara discussed other places she has researched such as
Temple Heights
and the
Waverly Plantation...
And of course... we got dumped again, with almost seven minutes... the finish line in sight...
We were able to out her
book information, her
Facebook profile,
et al.
Henry managed to closed out the show, mentioning the next week's show guest being
Annie Wilder
author of
Spirits Out of Time: True Family Ghost Stories and Weird Paranormal Experiences
House of Spirits and Whispers: The True Story of a Haunted House.
Once off the air after only a minute or two, Skype zapped us again, losing Barbara in the process.
Henry assured Craig and me he'd email to thank her.
We checked and Skype is up to 5.5, so as we all have slightly less
(my version was 5.3...),
we decided we'd respectively upgrade our Skype, in hope next week everything actually works again.