Without giving away too much, obviously, during his bar mitzvah, young Adam Lipschitz
(played by
Austin Abrams),
gets a bit... overly concerned regarding the proceedings.
Playing his parents were
Rita Wilson
and the always funny
John Lovitz.
The lovely and talented
Jennifer Love Hewitt
is also in the cast and while she happened to walk by momentarily, she was otherwise not being utilized during this scene.
She smiled as she passed, but more in politeness
than one of recognition.
Lunch was called precisely at the six hour mark, and we wrapped just before the eight hour mark, signed out
eight hours.
After lunch I was brought up onto the "stage" of the temple and was seated in one of the main "in-laid chairs" along the wall.
At "action," another couple came up, greeted the cantor, and came and sat in the other two chairs, next to me
(the main action of this distinctively Other Scene, with
Wendie Malick,
Ivan Sergei
Phil Rosenthal
was on the audience floor in front of the "stage").
As there was so much time, the gentleman, Dave Fogel, introduced himself.
It turned out Dave was the film's director/co-writer
Bryan Fogel's
father, doing a cameo along with his wife.
The two of them did quite well, if they're not normally actors; each take they did their same actions, the majority of which
(beyond where to stop walking, before coming over to sit down),
was not specified.
After a few different coverage angles and takes.
As the rabbi, Phil Rosenthal began stumbling over a funny statement numerous times.
Between takes Dave leaned over as I quietly pointed out, "This is how DVDs get gag reels..."
Getting back afterwards was far easier than with recent film work that provided wonderful overtime.
Before being booked I had planned to cash my
private-sector compensation for labour
payment from
one of the recent projects' private-sector work,
and I had on me those checks from the two day's of work.
Ironically I should have shown them as I signed out, to demonstrate further that the same payroll company for both that and this production lawfully complies with law and my using my passport as identification.
The Chosen Book
for the Chosen People
Book authors:
Bryan Fogel
Sam Wolfson
Stage script authors:
Bryan Fogel
Sam Wolfson