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Geoffrey Gould
Reports from the set/s...
Ascension of an Ordinary Man
Cameron Fisher's USC Student Film

Wednesday July 23, 2012
I'd submitted for and received an invitation for a Tuesday USC student film Ascension of an Ordinary Man audition, but unfortunately I was recalled for a second day of shooting on The League. We'd filmed the previous Saturday with three and a half hours overtime, meal penalties, et al, so on Tuesday we were all a bit happy/sad for a half day.
Once I was home I realized I was able to try and get down for the audition, did, and nailed the cold reading, as a tough and surly office boss.
Writer/director Cameron Fisher texted me that night, offering me the co-star role of the boss, and indicated it was one of those classes with one in-class workshop of sorts, with teacher James Savoca
I arrived a bit earlier, as is my habit, soon met by Cameron and the project's lead, Kevin Strom.
It went quite well. Kevin and I had a good comic chemistry, and turned out we both knew Rhoda Pell from working with her on various projects.
At the end of our session, Savoca suggested to Kevin that he bring in headshots for distribution to the class; if he meant to mention to both of us (considering how complimentary he was on my performance), he didn't mention it to me (at least not yet), but I will already be prepared to give Cameron enough of my contact information cards for the class as well. Once done and outside, Kevin and I exchanged our own information.
Cameron planned to shoot Kevin's solo scene/s on Saturday, and the main conference room scene on Sunday.

Sunday July 27, 2014
I arrived at 12:20 for my 12:30pm calltime, as per Cameron's text the evening before. Cameron met me and brought me up to a classroom on the second floor in the Speilberg part of the SCA building. While technically not a conference room, the long desks could just about pass muster for the project.
The two performers playing Elisa and Renee arrived, and previous work was discussed as we awaited Kevin. Cameron found online and played my 2009 Super Bowl commercial. When Kevin arrived, he indicated having found it as well.
Cameron clearly knew a great piece of directorial wisdom: "trust your actors," a corollary of sorts to the adage that 90% of a director's job is the project's casting. He preferred Kevin's and line deliveries to much of his own writing. He listened to what input Kevin and I had to make our respective characters, and the film as a while, consistent.
Cameron's videographer was unable to attend due to an emergency, either his own or a friend's ankle injury, so Cameron ran camera, and did so so quickly and efficiently, that the coverage of the other two and myself was complete by 2pm and we were wrapped. All he had left to do was the green-screen work with Kevin, which they did right there, with a green-screen Cameron had procurred on Amazon for sixty bucks, which also came with its mounting/bracing.
Cameron promised to stay in touch, and looked forward to put the short into the film festival circuit. We were finished so quickly that, while no meal was provided, I myself completely forgot/neglected to acquire a Cast Photo shot for this page!

Tuesday July 29, 2014
The phone lines
Cameron texted me late Monday afternoon to point out that we had all completely forgot to record my voice-over lines while I was there the day before. When I got home, I used my phone's voice recorder and did each of the three lines as its own audio file, so I could simply text them to him. I did multiple takes until I was satisfied with each of the respective lines' recording/s I made.
Tuesday morning I got word that the files came through perfectly, so now Cameron could complete his project.

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