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Geoffrey Gould
Official co-host for
Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific
Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific

Saturday 28 August 2021
Lyle Blackburn
Our guest tonight was cryptozoologist Lyle Blackburn.
Lyle's fascinating with crytozoology started from his love of monster movies. Creatures like Sasquatch came across as More Plausible, so he began researching cryptids such as Nessie, Bigfoot, and other swamp creature legends, etc. He has since visited most of the areass he's investigated for his books.
"Tabby" Cat Snider Gasch asked about the distinction between the Boggy Creek creature, the Florida Skunk Ape, and a "regular" Sasquatch.
(Strangely, some sort of audio overlap took over for a few moments, which during the live show no one noticed.)
Ceiling Cat Barbara Duncan asked about the various creatures' odour, such as the Skunk Ape having that particular name, etc. CC also wondered whether the creatures could emit some sort of low frequency thay could cause territory "trespassers" to experience nausea.
Henry had Lyle to an extend clarify variations of bogs and swamps and marshlands. We concurred that all states have swamps somewhere; the audio broke up as I tried to convey my area of northern New Jersey had several swamp areas, but mostly locals knew about them, as they were off the beaten path.
CC asked about what sort of shelter they might have against extreme weather or forest fires.
Hemry had Lyle clarify the variations of swamp crytids. Lyle indicated te distinctions between the Lizard Man as opposed to a Sasquatch. He indicated sightings of apparently pterodactyl type creatures and various swamp cryptids
Tabby asked about the possibility of the FBO having files on Sasquatch. and such.
Lyle spoke of seeing a full body apparition when he was in high school. A friend's home apparently contained a ghost of a little boy. One evening Lyle was visiting and out of the curner of his eye he saw a white figure of what seemed a little boy cross a hallway. He was excited at how cool was that.
Once while canoeing, he heard a strange howl in the woods, but he was unable to find what was vocalizing.
CC asked about Wood Knock recordings, that generally are associated with Sasquatch. Unfortunately there's little collaboration even to try and decode whether it's a higher level of communication.
Tabby Cat posited about the different colour fur of various Sasquatch, possibly due to the area of their territory.
CC brought up his working on the The Mothman of Point Pleasant documentary, the topic about which Lyle discussed. Lyle also spoke of a Men In Black experience correlating with the Mothman sightings. Tabby wondered whether Mothman might be a derivation of a gargoyle. Lyle indicated such is not a new hypothesis.
Lyle discussed Tabby and CC's thoughts that Sasquatch could emit low frequencies that humans cannot hear, but can feel, causing headaches and nausea, et al.
Henry asked about Sasquatch possibly involved with extraterrestrials. Lyle didn't see much of a correlation, but in his Momo book, he spoke about apparent strange lights appearing and a Sasquatch being sighted sometime later.
I asked whether Sasquatch could have been descended from Gigantopithecis. Lyle indicated that they were more like thirteen feet tall, but it's still speculation as there's not much in the fossil record.
CC wondered whether the photo from the Dyatlov Pass could have been a Sasqatch. Lyle debunked it; that that photo was not from the hikers.
The Oklahoma Bigfoot "hunt" was discussed; it's not a hunt-hunt, it's a hunt for evidence, not in killing a Sasquatch,
Tabby conveyed our guest next week would be Rich Newman.

28 August 2021 edition Full Audio podcast

28 August 2021 edition on YouTube
28 August 2021 edition
28 August 2021 edition

Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific
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