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Geoffrey Gould
Official co-host for
Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific
Paranormal View; Saturday nights at 8pm eastern, 5pm pacific

Saturday July 21, 2018
Dean Regas
I had just spent five consecutive days working on a high-end feature film, and learned Friday evening the 20th that tonight would be a replay edition; Henry indicated our having Numerous Guests coming uo...
Tonight was a replay of our Saturday January 20, 2018 edition, with author, TV show host, and Dean Regas, official Astronomer for the Cincinnati Observatory, and co-host of Star Gazers, an update on Jack Horkheimer's PBS show Star Hustler that generally followed Doctor Who in the 1970s when it was on PBS.
Dean was a wonderful guest, though he could only stay the first hour, having an event at the observatory until midnight.
We discussed various aspects of the Universe, stars, planets, meteors and meteorites, as well as his 100 Things to See in the Night Sky: From Planets and Satellites to Meteors and Constellations, Your Guide to Stargazing book.
Before the one break we took this time, I pointed out that Monday would be Henry's birthday. After the break Ceiling Cat Barbara Duncan reported our having listeners tonight in the US, Sweden, Canada, the UK, as well as that listeners can now use the new Paranormnal Radio app, even able to listen through Alexa: one can say "Alexa: Go to paranormal radio network on TuneIn Radio."
Henry reported that our subsequent week's guest might be Thomas Wertman.

21 Ju1y 2018 edition podcast replay of 20 January 2018 edition podcast
Dean Regas
20 January 2018 edition

The Paranormal View

Haunted Hoosier Halls:
Indiana University
by former show host
Kat Klockow

Ohio's Haunted Crimes:
An Exploration of Ten
Haunted Crime Scenes
by former show host
Kat Klockow

Para-X Radio: all paranormal, all the time

From Hollywood:
to Gettysburg
by former show host
Craig Rupp

Love from Beyond
by former show host
Craig Rupp

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