Saturday December 10, 2016
Ardy Sixkiller Clarke
Tonight our
guest was UFO researcher and author
Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke,
having released her third book
More Encounters with Star People: Urban American Indians Tell Their Stories,
having previously written
Encounters with Star People: Untold Stories of American Indians,
Sky People: Untold Stories of Alien Encounters in Mesoamerica.
tried jumping the gun, going mto dive right into the book, but
reigned him in, what with some questions from
the chat room
asking for the context of how Ardy collected her stories and met with Native Americans.
Ardy pointed out the repeated crimes of the US government trying to elimate Reservations back in the 1950s.
Skype kept giving
trouble during the show.
Ceiling Cat [CC] Barbara Duncan
reported our having listeners tonight in the UK, Canada, the \US obviously, Singapore, Belgium, Costa Rica, and Unknown.
Ardy spoke about a woman named Mary whose car broke down driving home her daughter.
Walking through a field, she became aware of a blinding light acting like a searchlight,
The light fell on her, she stopped, and found herself on a space ship, being told her daughter wasn't hers.
She was told her daughter would be Taken when the daughter was seventeen, and that other girls were also to taken.
She was returned, all but teleported to the front door of her house, her broken down car being in the driveway.
She kept getting visitations, being told her daughter would be taken, but amended that she could go as well, to a planet that would be females only.
Ardy discussed about how Star People do not have names, about which CC asked.
Ardy spoke about how Native Americans were criminally taken from the reservations to be raised in "society," even forced to take on new names not given by the parents.
She spoke about The Joiner, energy beings that would briefly "possess" people, often those cnsidering suicide.
Kat asked about a UFO crash in a reservation that was somehow kept quiet, mostly due to their apt and correct knowledge the government would mess up everything if they learned about it.
Ardy also spoke about a popular pizza place, and one night a Stange Man entered the restaurant, wearing an outfit similar to a ski outfit.
The man had a glass of tea, but he drank the hot water, and ate sugar cubes straight from the bowl.
Joe the owner was told but the man he wouldn't remember him, but Joe did.
Ardy gave out her
and her