Saturday January 17, 2015
Gypsy Moon
Tonight's guest was psychic and medium
Gypsy Moon.
asked about her astral projection experience when she was all of two years old, when she popped in to a new home that her grandmother was cleaning for the soon move-in.
Gypsy's mother was very supportive of Gypsy's gifts.
In her great-grandmother's Minneapolis, Minnesota home, three generations of family witnessed substantial spirit activity.
When her family moved to Colorado Springs, Colorado, she began seeing full body apparitions.
After the first break,
Ceiling Cat Barbara Duncan
reported tonight our having listeners in the US, the UK, Ireland, Korea, Canada, France, and Australia.
Gypsy discussed how in her childhood home kitchen cupboards would be open "by themselves" during the night, and lights would be switched on that had been switched off.
She spoke about how ghosts/spirits being In Transition from the corporeal existence to the incorporeal existence, so oft times they're confused.
She clarified how psychism works, as a muscle we're "taught" at a young age to stop using, and it often atrophies, and while it can be reactivated, it's a little trickier later in life.
She discussed her trip to well known, haunted
Sloss Furnace
at which she caught something in her camera, a Shadow Person all but waving at/for the camear, but she's smart enough still not to jump to conclusions about it.
Gypsy also stressed how careful a medium must be not to misinterpret what a spirit is communication, particularly as, often spirits use symbols.
There were two odd "EVP"-like sounds, one about an hour in, and another closer to the end.
Gypsy gave out her
and her
I gave out my
Paranormal Hub page,
at which one can select report pages of previous editions of the show, or listen to their respective archived podcasts from there; the show official site is
official site;
that we're findable
on Facebook,
gave out her
websites, her Graphic Novel being page on
and the show now also being
available on iTunes
Henry reported that our subsequent week's guest would be
Patrick McCormack
Doug McReynolds,
and we wrapped out.