Saturday July 26, 2013
Stephanie Bingham
Tonight we welcomed psychic medium and paranormal investigator
Stephanie Bingham.
Her first experience of seeing a spirit was when she was a little over one year old
(her parents would keep retelling her the tale),
that her great grandfather came to speak with her and impart messages, and still does.
She indicated she gets spirits frequently trying to contact her to the point she has to pretend to ignore them to make them leave her alone when necessary.
While possibly not when she moved in, her home has spirits now.
She's done research on properties and sometimes a spirit just Liked the new digs.
Very few of the spirits across which they come are earthbound-trapped, many aren't aware they're already passed.
We discussed the aspects of those unaware they've died.
Some cemeteries she's visisted are haunted, though not massively so.
Stephanie spoke about large tragic accidents, such as a plane crash in Lexington, where she feels the spirits may "have to" help each other across.
Most spirits she's encountered have been "dressed" either how they were when they died, or how they choose to appear dressed.
Often when she's at a Very Active house, she perceives it both as it is now and as it was then, making sometimes simple navigation somewhat problematic, such as doors that were there then not being there now, and vice versa.
After the first break,
Ceiling Cat
reported tonight we had listeners tonight from the US, UK, Canada, Japan, Costa Rica, and Australia.
As an academic, Stephanie works at the
Cleveland Art Museum
We also discussed a few
haunted aspects
of it
(we also established Stephanie is a bit of a Doctor Who fan, which is always a Good Thing).
As to the Most Haunted, she felt her undergraduate college campus at
Eastern Kentucky University,
living in oldest buildings there, with
many sentient spirits,
one about which Stephanie spoke being a ghost named Henry who, not surprisingly, enjoyed checking out the female students' communal showers....
At about the exact halfway point of the show,
and CC heard a vocalization of some sort, so we knew we'd have to check the podcast.
As Stephanie had appeared on
an episode
of the
School Spirits:
episode 105,
Campus Warning Signs,
after the second break we discussed that episode and the experiences she had.
Being an Honors Student, Stephanie lived in the
Oldest Dorm,
and met a sorority sister, whose room was being extremely active.
The two friends decided to switch rooms.
The friend's mother had been on a cruise where she'd tried proselytizing non-Christian locals; she was given a string of beads, the bringing back of which began causing massive issues and nightmares.
Stephanie perceived a little girl spirit whose teeth were pointedly sharp.
Eventually when the string, which had been brought to campus, had been thrown into the river, the activity stopped.
The friend also began experiencing the spirit of a bloody-feet female spirit named Christine, whose appearance at one point staved off a rapist attack.
Stephanie also spoke about Ohio's famous
Kent State,
what with the
student murders
by National Guardsmen.
Henry asked about the
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, but Stephanie indicated that the
the boat "next door" to the museum is a large ship which has "some funny things there," as Stephanie put it.
Stephanie did admit being terrified of UFOs; while she's not experienced anything herself, she knows people who have.
Upcoming investigation mostly are residentials;
she wants to go down to
Point Pleasant
for the next
Mothman Festival.
CC couldn't resist asking about Halloween time, considering the veil being at its thinnest at the Dark Time of the year.
Upcoming events at which Stephanie will be appearing include, but are not limited to,
Carnival of ParaHorror
August 16th, and the
Dunkirk Lighthouse.
gave out her
information, along with her
as well as her
I gave out the
Paranormal View hub page
on my website, indicating people from there can find the show's respective report pages,
that we're very
findable on Facebook,
the official
Paranormal View page
page, as well as
Kat's website,
our show
being on Twitter
under the name
et al.
Barbara actually conveyed
her Facebook
profile with cemetery photos and we wrapped out.