Saturday April 05, 2013
Anmarie Uber
Tonight we welcomed
Anmarie Uber
and I listed her substantial creditials.
Henry indicated tonight we'd be focusing on her workings with tarot, astrology, and numerology.
Anmarie pointed out the three all connected and interlinked.
She feels the tarot is essentially a fixed script, "but" astrology provides options within that script one can choose.
We concurred that astrology horoscopes are based on detailed charts, not the nonsense in Daily Newspaper horoscrope columns.
I pointed out preferring such horoscope from
The Onion.
As for numerology, Anmarie deals mostly with
Pythagarian numerology,
adding up the numbers, reducing them down to single digits, though she's also studied
With Tarot, Anmarie teaches the
Rider-Waite deck,
being one of the most popular and most familiar decks, though she also likes using the
Oracle deck.
CC brought us back from break reporting tonight our having listeners in the US, the UK, and Canada.
Anmarie discussed various aspects of astrology, charts, rising signs, et al.
Anmarie was one of those Great Guests who get asked a question and can speak about it concisely for twenty+ minutes,
as well as being quite quick witted.
After the second break, CC and Anmarie discussed readings and such, the topic/s being CC's baileywick.
Anmarie referenced
which redirects one to
Visual Tarot
site, on which one can find
tons of tarot decks/art.
Anmarie gave out her
web page,
at which she said is her
contact information
for readings and such, as well as her
I gave out the
Paranormal View hub page
on my website, indicating people from there can find the show's respective report pages,
that we're very
findable on Facebook,
the official
Paranormal View page
Kat gave out her
own websites.
and her
Hunt For Ghosts page,
from which her graphic novel has moved as it's being Published.
Barbara actually indicated
her Facebook
profile with cemetery photos,
and we wrapped out.