Thursday March 27, 2014
Shoot, Day 2
Andy retreived me at 6:15am, and after a quick stop at Starbucks
(as the "coffee" concept of crafty at the shoot was... unpleasant),
we arrived at Glix and he and Ben got re-bloodied up to match the day before.
As my character was already dead, lying face down on the bed
(I deliberately worked to emulate the position in the first
movie, though I had the gun in my left hand, not my right),
I had to battle staying awake.
I'd warned them of this; Andy was smart enough, when sitting next to my feet, to gently nudge my foot when he suspected I'd begun to drift off.
I also had no caffeine with which to help my remaining wakeful; neither day was there any regular Coca-Cola or Pepsi
(nor any real choice of snacks apart from Doritos type stuff)...
apart from water, the only drinks available were non-caffeine Sprite and fat-inducing, carcinogen-laden Diet Coke.
I found this more strange than ironic, as Juan had requested our listing any "allergies," to which I responded to my aversion to Diet Soda, and clarifying the "request" for regular Coke or Pepsi...
and then neither being provided.
Eli arrived and we shot his energetic entrance, and his character preparing for the Solution to the protagonists' immediate problem.
As lunch was called, I was wrapped a bit after 1pm, a few minutes after Clare had been officially wrapped as well.
I had learned earlier in the day that Clare was into true
ghost stories
and such, so I gave her the information on my
weekly radio show
The Paranormal View
As they had similar "food" to the day before, I did not linger
(the previous day, Juan was gracious enough to drive me up to the nearby Wendys).
My app told me the bus to my rental box might just be catchable, and I thanked all and scooted over, just making it
(though annoyingly that turned out to be a wasted trip, the check from the previous week's
Lost in Austen
shoot having not yet arrived), so I just headed home from there.
That night around 7:45pm, Giovanna Sarquís email-blasted the news that the projected was wrapped, thanking each one of us for our energy and dedication, making the set rock.
I look forward to seeing the finished version of the dark comedy.