Saturday February 22, 2014
Grab-Bag edition
With no official scheduled guest tonight
had earlier suggested to us that
do the first half hour, I'd do the second half hour,
Ceiling Cat
Barbara Duncan
the third, then Henry the closing half hour.
Kat first discussed a
recently videotaped
British Manchester
pub ghost.
She then regaled a few
Japan ghost stories
surrounding the tsunami.
We also discussed the sad but probable
lemur extinction
on Madagascar.
During my segment, we discussed
as well as the reported
mysterious trumpet sounds
heard in the sky in varied places around the world.
As were discussing Scandinavian folklore, I also mentioned the John Cleese "documentary"
To Norway: Home of Giants.
We also brought up my
bathroom ghost
experience while working on a
European commercial
in downtown Los Angeles, as well as the unexpected
late chauffeur
showing up for friends in the Ramapo State College registrar building mansion's
Lancaster Room ghost.
Kat spoke about her being poked at
Crump Theatre,
and her being locked in a bathroom on the Ripper Whitechapel Tour.
After the break CC reported our having listeners in the US, the UK, Canada, Romania, and Pakistan.
During CC's segment I mentioned the Japanese
"World's scariest advert,"
which I posted at our
Facebook page.
CC spoke about the astrological
Grand Cross
taking place.
While Mercuty was about to go direct February 28th,
Mars, currently in Libra, is about go to retrograde, from March 1st until May.
On March 15th Uranus and Pluto are about to go squaring each other.
Jupiter coming at a 90 degree aspect to them, as is Mars, creating a Grand Cross.
This means... roller coaster ride.
For more information, CC gave out
I pointed out my enjoying the horoscopes at
The Onion.
On the last half hour, Henry took over, mentioning he and Kat's upcoming trip to
(Kat will make sure to bring a dust mask).
In late April, they might check out the
Bell Nursing Home,
and the
Middletown house
In May Henry will be investigating
Kat pointed out upcoming events such as in September attending
Willow's Weep
in Eugene Indiana.
They be visiting the
Hannah house
in Indianapolis August 9th.
They'd be attending
around May 23rd.
Henry brought out some EVP recordings.
The first one he played was from
Hill View Manor
where Henry's son's group heard a deep-sounded stomping.
Next was the Little Girl voice, sounding like a sing-song hum.
At the
Morrison Masonic Lodge,
the recording sounded more like an
chiming in during a tour.
In the chat room it was reported that at age 99
Maria Von Trapp
having just passed away.
Back at Hillview Manor, Henry played the recording of an affirmative reply to his question about their having coffee.
He then played a recording of a girl at a former farmhouse at which Henry would investigate.
We never did get to talking about the
Bigfoot toenail
story Kat had come across, or the
Brian Miller NDE
article I'd also found and posted.
I gave out
the official
Paranormal View page
my Paranormal View hub page
on my website, indicating people from there can find the show's respective report pages,
that we're very
findable on Facebook,
the official
Paranormal View page
page, and a hasty reference to
I promote which
people should be taking by indicating anyone wanting to live longer and healthier, and/or with health issues or just...
in general...
and that those could
contact me directly,
et al.
Kat provided her
paranormal author
site, and her
site at which visitors can peruse her graphic novel,
and her
Miss Grey
page, Barbara again vaguely referring to her
profile, and we wrapped out.