Saturday January 25 , 2013
Patrick McCormack
anime and manga convention in Columbus, Ohio for the weekend,
Ceiling Cat
welcomed back
Patrick McCormack
Doug McReynolds
Pat lamented how their former para-x show had to be cancelled when the FCC unlawfully decided the Internet was the same as over-airwaves radio.
Weems–Botts Museum
in Dumfries, Virginia, near Manassas.
There had been four major battles there; a Doctor Weems lived nearby so it became a field hospital, and about 9000 casualties were simply placed into a mass grave.
They also discussed the haunted
Landon House
and the
Poe House
both in Virginia.
Theirs was the first ever paranormal team to be allowed access to the
Hindenberg crash site,
during which they got some impressive EVPs which unfortunately couldn't be played on the air as Skype wouldn't access it.
They'd were allowed as they'd been invited to clear one bay of extreme paranormal activity going on, and, considering they were allowed only a single day to do it, being quite successful.
After the second break, CC reported our having listeners in the US, the UK Canada, Germany and France.
They discussed the horrors of the cellar of the
Hoffman Farm,
which had been used as a field hospital, where they got some Class A EVPs.
CC pointed out that many thought the war between the states was chaotic when in fact it was highly organized; they told us that at the Library of Congress is
The War of the Rebellion,
listing in incredible detail the northern army's soldiers, movements, who fought in which regiment where, et al.
They went into more detail about the Poe House, and how some people are pushed down a set of stairs.
The place is very paranormal investigator friendly, often can be arranged through
Spirited History.
Henry has them discuss the disastrous
Richmond Theatre fire of 1811
in which 72 people perished.
The theatre was removed and the
Monumental Church
placed on the spot, over a crypt in which the bodies that could not be indentified were sealed.
Henry indicating visiting the nearby
St. John's Church
at which Patrick Henry delivered his
famous speech.
Pat gave out their
older website
and the
new website;
I gave out my
my Paranormal View hub page
on my website, indicating people from there can find the show's respective report pages,
that we're very
findable on Facebook,
the official
Paranormal View page
and Kat's
Hunt For Ghosts page
Kat Klockow websites.
Henry conveyed our guest the next week would be Tarot Reader
Tina Armor
and we wrapped out.